[act-ma] Sun 3/30: film and discussion, global warming and Exxon

Loie Hayes loiehayes at verizon.net
Wed Mar 26 21:44:28 PDT 2008

Sun 3/30: film and discussion, global warming and Exxon

Join your neighbors for a film showing of Out of Balance: ExxonMobil’s
Impact on Climate Change, and a strategy discussion about effecting change
in corporations. Sunday, March 30, 2008, 7 pm,  at 565 Boylston Street
(Community Church of Boston), Copley Square. Sponsored by Boston Climate
Action Network. Boston CAN sponsors events to inform the public and affect
public policy about climate change initiatives, energy conservation, green
jobs, and clean technology. For more information, see our website at
http://massclimateaction.net/index.php?page=boston or call 617-278-1885.

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