[act-ma] Action week for Sami Al-Arian

pf soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Tue Apr 29 09:41:49 PDT 2008

[reminder; Thursday, May 1st, film screening:  /*USA vs Al-Arian*/ - see 
rule19.org/videos/ <http://rule19.org/videos/index.htm%5D>
this situation is dire; help before Sami is found suicided in a lake...]
(Monday April 28th -- Friday May 2nd)
Just 3 Phone Calls & 1 Email to Make a Difference
Dear friends,

Dr. Sami Al-Arian is at an extremely critical juncture. Any day now he 
may indicted on criminal contempt, a charge that carries a minimum 
sentence of five years. Another Palestinian-American professor in a 
similar case was sentenced to eleven years for criminal contempt last fall.

On March 20th, in a blatant violation of the plea agreement signed 
between Dr. Al-Arian and the U.S. government, a Virginia federal judge 
forced Dr. Al-Arian to appear in court to testify before a third grand 
jury. Given that the government had in the past cynically twisted his 
words to try to convict him of perjury, Dr. Al-Arian recognized the 
perjury trap laid for him, and refused to testify as his attorneys advised.

For more details of this case, check out our NEW PAMPHLETS at 
pamphlets.freesaminow.com <http://pamphlets.freesaminow.com/>
1. Hampton Roads Regional Jail: (757) 488-7500 (ext. 8)
Ask them why:
            - Dr. Al-Arian is not allowed to regularly call his family;

- Bright lights are glared into his cell 24/7;
            - He is only allowed to shower twice a week;
            - He is handcuffed every time he leaves his cell;
            - He is not allowed to know the time of day to perform his 
prayers properly.
            - He is in a segregated unit.
Be prepared to be told that you have the wrong section. THAT IS NOT 
TRUE. Extension 8 for the Warden's Office is the correct office to bring 
up this issue.
Also be prepared for the prison staff to lie to you, or to tell you that 
what they are doing is in conformity with prison regulations. IT IS NOT. 
Insist that the information you have is accurate. Be polite but 
unwaveringly firm. Make your point, don't back down from it, and leave 
your message for the warden.
2. Vincent Archibeque, Assistant Field Office Director of the 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): (703) 285-6221.
Ask Mr. Archibeque to ensure that Dr. Al-Arian is transferred to a 
facility where he will be treated with dignity and that he be deported 
as soon as possible in accordance with the plea agreement.
3. Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (Department of Homeland 
(866)-644-8360 (press 1 for English and then press 5 to leave a message)
Bring up all the complaints regarding Dr. Al-Arian's jail conditions 
mentioned in item (1), ask that he be transferred to a prison where he 
will be treated with dignity, and ask that he be deported as soon as 
possible in accordance with the terms of his plea bargain.
Again, always be polite but firm.
If you don't speak to a live person:
-        simply leave a message on the answering machine; and
-        call back later that day or the next day to try to get through.
4. Attorney General Michael Mukasey: ASKDOJ at usdoj.gov  
Ask Mr. Mukasey to ensure that Dr. Al-Arian is deported as soon as 
possible in accordance with the plea agreement. (For a letter template, 
please go to http://www.freesamialarian.com/letters/sample1.doc)
-        Before sending the email, make sure to BCC 
samialarianactioncommittee at gmail.com
-        If you have time, fax your letter in addition to sending it by 
email: (202) 307-6777
To learn how you can help EVEN MORE, please visit: 
If you haven't already, please take a minute to SIGN OUR PETITION at 
petition.freesaminow.com <http://petition.freesaminow.com/>
Lastly, don't forget to PRAY for Dr. Al-Arian and his family.

-        Brought to you by the Sami Al-Arian Action Committee

pf soto
rule19.org <http://rule19.org>
UPandOUT.org <http://upandout.org>
AZAPOI.org <http://azapoi.org>

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