[act-ma] 7/04 Protest Cheney in Boston

Stop the Wars Coalition info at stopthewars.org
Thu Jul 3 11:12:05 PDT 2008

*Please send on to your lists!*
Vice President Dick Cheney will be in Boston on July Fourth to attend a 
ceremony aboard the USS Constitution.

*Meet at the Charleston Naval Yards, 10:30, Pier 1, where the 
Constitution docks.*
*(You can see it easily on the maps below.) We should get as close*
*to the Constitution as they allow us.*
*directions to Pier 1:*
*Great time for a demo when people have a vacation day, and great to do 
*really appropriate for the Fourth -- and*
*what could be more appropriate on the 4th than a nice Boston rebellion, to*
*let Cheney et al know that we don't want to go to war with Iran,  we 
*a Stop to Torture, demand that they Close down Guantanamo,  *
*and we don't welcome him to our city. *
*David Swanson, below, asks "...Does the spirit of rebellion still 
*See you all there!*
*-- Amy


WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney will be in Boston on July Fourth 
to attend a ceremony aboard the USS Constitution.

Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell said today that Cheney will attend 
Friday's military reenlistment ceremony on the historic warship, known 
as "Old Ironsides."

The Constitution was commissioned in 1797 and is docked at Boston's 
historic Charlestown Naval Yard, a national park. The ship never lost a 
battle, from fighting pirates in the Caribbean to British in the War of 

© Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material 
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


July Events

*Fri., July 4, 2008: Turnaround Cruise**
*11:30am: USS Constitution will leave Charlestown Navy Yard's Pier 1. 
The ship will perform a short turnaround, but unlike previous years, no 
visitors will be allowed aboard. Due to maintenance conditions, "Old 
Ironsides" will not make her normal tour of Boston Harbor. Visitors can 
view the ship's short cruise from the Navy yard or any pier in the 
immediate area.

12:30pm: 21-gun salute to the nation.

 /Susan C. Serpa /  
www.neimpeach.org <http://www.neimpeach.org>
VP Cheney to visit Boston on the Fourth

July 1, 2008 04:57 PM
By Maria Sacchetti, Globe Staff
Vice President Dick Cheney will make a brief trip to Boston Friday to
attend a Fourth of July military reenlistment ceremony aboard the USS
Constitution, his press secretary said today.
Cheney plans to attend the ceremony on Old Ironsides, the world's
oldest warship still in commission, in the Charlestown Navy Yard. His
visit will last a matter of hours, and could include other activities.
"The vice president looks forward to visiting the USS Constitution and
participating in a reenlistment ceremony," said Megan Mitchell,
Cheney's press secretary.


  Cheney to Join Bush in Celebrating Constitution (R.I.P.) on Fourth of July

While George Dubya will desecrate Monticello with some dishonest remarks 
from a podium on Friday as new citizens swear to defend the Constitution 
he has destroyed, this AP story has the plans of the man in charge. Dick 
Cheney will make his remarks on a ship named the Constitution and talk 
about fighting pirates rather than being one:


    Dick Cheney to visit Boston on July Fourth
    By Associated Press

    WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney will be in Boston on July
    Fourth to attend a ceremony aboard the USS Constitution.

    Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell said today that Cheney will attend
    Friday's military reenlistment ceremony on the historic warship,
    known as "Old Ironsides."

    The Constitution was commissioned in 1797 and is docked at Boston's
    historic Charlestown Naval Yard, a national park. The ship never
    lost a battle, from fighting pirates in the Caribbean to British in
    the War of 1812.


While only a small minority anywhere in the United States actually 
supports Bush or Cheney, it will be interesting to see which setting 
serves as better protection for them from protesters, [as Bush/Cheney 
are] cowed by fears of negative PR. Bush will surround himself with new 
citizens being naturalized, and Cheney with members of the military. 
While most Americans oppose the policies of their military, many are 
extremely resistant to saying so in the presence of members of the 
military. Charlottesville and Boston, birthplaces of the Revolution and 
of the author of the Declaration of Independence, let the contest begin. 
Where does the spirit of rebellion still breathe?

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