[act-ma] Conference in Andover, MA to Prosecute American War Criminals

DougFuda at aol.com DougFuda at aol.com
Tue Jul 22 04:18:59 PDT 2008

Hi, everyone.
I just registered for this conference (I cut and pasted the  announcement 
below).  I hope all members and friends of Antiwar  League throughout the country 
and all opponents everywhere of  perpetual war, empire, torture and the 
police state will get involved somehow in  this effort to pursue alleged US war 
criminals "to the ends of the earth."  This is just the beginning.
I am particularly excited that Vincent Bugliosi is appearing and that the  
conference will consider how to seek indictments and prosecutions in state and  
local courts. Also included is the topic  of planning to "make the question of 
prosecutions an issue in the  fall political campaign." This means that 
everyone can be involved in this  effort in some way even if you cannot attend the 
(Recommended article: _http://www.antiwarleague.com/_mgxroot/page_10687.html_ 
(http://www.antiwarleague.com/_mgxroot/page_10687.html)  )
Please _visit the website_ (http://war-crimes.info/)  and learn  more about 
it, and register if you can, and please circulate this message  widely. 
_http://war-crimes.info/_ (http://war-crimes.info/) 
Doug  Fuda
_ Antiwarleague.com_ (http://www.antiwarleague.com/) 
14 Fletcher  Street
Roslindale, MA 02131
617 331-1491  (cell)
dougfuda at aol.com

Welcome to Mailing List for the Upcoming Conference:

- The Justice  Robert Jackson Conference for Planning the Prosecution of
High Level American  War Criminals -

The event will be held September 13 & 14, 2008 in  Andover, MA

We've lined nearly 20 great speakers - law professors,  lawyers,
prosecutors, journalists, authors and activists.

We need your  help to get the word out about the event!  Please forward
this email to  any interested parties.  The conference website  is

Below, you'll find the agenda:

Jeff  Demers
info at war-crimes.info



September 13 - 14, 2008

Andover,  Massachusetts

Registration details available at  http://war-crimes.info

"The common sense of mankind demands that law  shall not stop with the
punishment of petty crimes by little people. It must  also reach men who
possess themselves of great power and make deliberate and  concerted use of
it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world  untouched."

* * *

"The Charter of this Tribunal evidences a faith  that the law is not only to
govern the conduct of little men, but that even  rulers are, as Lord Chief
Justice Coke put it to King James, 'under God and  the law.'"

* * *

"And let me make clear that while this law is  first applied against German
aggressors, the law includes, and if it is to  serve a useful purpose it must
condemn aggression by any other nations,  including those which sit here now
in judgment."

>From Opening  Statement of The Chief Prosecutor, Supreme Justice Robert H.
Jackson, at  Nuremberg.

"The same disaster has now happened twice in forty years,  in Viet Nam and
Iraq. It must never happen again. As at Nuremberg, we need to  take steps
to insure that leaders will never do it  again."

Saturday - - 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks

Brief  introductory remarks stressing that crimes and misconduct have now
occurred  twice in forty years - - in Viet Nam and then again in Iraq - - and
the high  level perpetrators need to be punished (as occurred at Nuremberg
and Tokyo in  1945 and 1946) in order to insure that people will not do these
things again  (as the Germans and Japanese have not committed their  crimes

9:30 a.m. Panel Discussion And Subsequent Audience  Participation On:

Crimes Of Torture And Degrading And Abusive  Conduct, And Perpetrators and

10:45 a.m.  Break

11:00 a.m. Panel Discussion And Subsequent Audience Participation  On:
"Crimes Against the Peace - - Preemptive War And Aggressive  War."

12:15 noon Luncheon

1:00 p.m. Panel Discussion And  Subsequent Audience Participation On:
"Murder and Other Crimes Under State  Laws."

2:15 p.m. Break

2:30 p.m. Panel Discussion And Subsequent  Audience Participation On:
"The Torture Team: The Actions of Bush  Administration Lawyers, Their
Criminal Liabilities, And Potential  Disbarment."

3:45 p.m. Break

4:00 p.m. Panel Discussion And  Subsequent Audience Participation On:
"Existing And Potential Domestic,  Foreign and International Court Cases On
Torture, Rendition, and  War."

Sunday -- 9:00 a.m. Morning Forum I

Topic for Panel and  Audience:

What must be done to make the question of prosecutions an issue  in the fall
political campaign and to have the question become a significant  subject in
the media and on the internet.

10:30 a.m.  Break

10:45 a.m. Morning Forum II

Topics for Panel and  Audience:

A. Creating an umbrella coordinating committee with  representatives
from various organizations, including those that are already  involved in

B. Creating a Center to keep track of and  organize relevant briefs,
articles, books, opinions, facts, etc.

C.  The possibility of having a Chief Prosecutor's office a  la

12:00 noon Final Review and Event  Summary

Warcrimesconference  mailing  list
Warcrimesconference at war-crimes.info

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