[act-ma] 12/17-Ramsey Clark to Join with the Chuck Turner Defense Effort!

IAC Boston iacboston at iacboston.org
Mon Dec 15 19:06:55 PST 2008

*Ramsey Clark to Join with the Chuck Turner Defense Effort! *

*Wednesday, December 17*
*2:30 pm* - Boston City Hall
*3:00 pm* - Press Conference at the JFK Federal Building

Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General and recipient of the 2008 United 
Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights, will be in Boston on 
Wednesday, December 17 to voice his support in the defense of Chuck 
Turner and demand that the government immediately drop the racist 
frame-up charges. He will focus attention on the role that the US 
Attorney's office and the FBI has played in the politically motivated 
prosecutions that are taking place not just here in Boston but 
throughout the US.  Ramsey Clark will also raise that by conducting such 
prosecutions that US Attorney Sullivan and the FBI have violated their 
constitutional duties and must be held accountable for their actions.

We will gather at the steps of Boston City Hall and then march to the 
JFK Federal Building for a press conference.

*Ramsey Clark receives UN Human Rights Award 2008*

International Action Center founder Ramsey Clark, a former US Attorney 
General and internationally renown human rights defender, received the 
respected United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights on the 60th 
Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at United 
Nations Headquarters in New York on 10 December 2008.

The announcement of the award was presented by the President of the 
General Assembly, Miguel d´Escoto Brockmann, who is one of the five 
members of the selection committee. The award is made every five years 
to five human rights defenders whose life's work has been outstanding. 
It is presented on December 10, International Human Rights Day, every 
five years

At the UN Press Conference after accepting the award, Ramsey Clark 
emphasized the UN's role in ensuring world peace reminding journalists 
that "The greatest threat to human rights is war."

The award is given to individuals and organizations in recognition of 
their outstanding contribution to the promotion and protection of human 
rights and fundamental freedoms.  Previous recipients have included 
Nelson Mandela, Amnesty International, Jimmy Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt, 
and Reverend Dr. Martin L. King."

Assembly President Miguel D'Escoto said "As we mark the 60th anniversary 
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we acknowledge the 
tireless work and invaluable contribution of these individuals and 
organizations that have fought to see the rights and freedoms embodied 
in this historic document become a reality for people in all corners of 
the world."

"These awardees constitute symbols of persistence, valour and tenacity 
in their resistance to public and private authorities that violate human 
rights. They constitute a moral force to put an end to systematic human 
rights violations."

The UN announcement described Ramsey Clark as "a veteran human rights 
defender and rule of law advocate, played a key role in the civil rights 
and peace movements in the US, and more recently has spoken out against 
abuses committed in the name of "counter-terrorism."

The International Action Center, founded by Ramsey Clark in 1992 is 
known internationally for its major role in the anti-war movement in the 
U.S. and its actions in the forefront of extending solidarity to 
countries and peoples facing U.S. attack and threats.

International Action Center

iacboston at iacboston.org

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