[act-ma] Marx Was Right! - Hear Why! Thurs Feb 26 - UMass Boston

Joshua Koritz joshua.koritz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 08:44:24 PST 2009

***please forward widely***


*Marx called himself a "mortal enemy" of capitalism. Find out why*

*Public Meeting*

*Thusday February 26th 2:30pm *

*UMass Boston *

*Wheatly Building RM 01-0051*

The global crisis of capitalism has led to a surge of interest in
socialist ideas
all over the world.
Merriam-Webster reports that socialism was the third most searched-for term
("bailout" was #1) during 2008 in their online dictionary, which receives
125 million views per month, meaning millions of people were looking to find
out what socialism means.

The coming years will provide ample opportunities to build the socialist

movement as the failures of capitalism lead millions to search for an


Boston at SocialistAlternative.org

(508) 527-4337

Boston.SocialistAlternative.org <http://boston.socialistalternative.org/>
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