[act-ma] Sunday morning, March 1 Ethical Society program

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Wed Feb 25 14:23:30 PST 2009

>From John Lampert: 

Sunday morning, March 1 at 10:30am the Ethical Society of Boston will have a program titled:

                                             WORLD CITIZENS' PARTY: NEW ETHICAL PROSPECTIVES

                                          10:30am Longy School of Music, 33 Garden St., Cambridge
                                          (near Harvard Sq.) Program Speaker: Dr. Winston Langley, Provost
                                          & Vice Chancellor of University of Massachusetts, call (617) 923-8550
                                          or visit BostonEthical.Org

                                    Dr. Langley's talk will focus on the compelling moral need for a political party that will 
                                    emphasize the security of all human beings, not the security of states. It will touch on the
                                   weaknesses of some "non-party approaches" to that security, and the ethical responsibilities
                                   of enlightened human beings who seek human security.
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