[act-ma] Paid Internship Opp for Young Writers & Activists of Color, Summer 2009

Jaime Lederer jaime.lederer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 07:28:09 PDT 2009

*Patricia Watson Activist Journalism Internship for Young Writers of Color,
Summer 2009*

WHERE: Peacework magazine's offices at the American Friends Service
Committee in Cambridge, MA

WHEN: June 1 - August 15, 2008 (flexible), 25 hours per week

WHAT: Interns will learn about all aspects of producing a varied peace and
justice publication, and will be encouraged and mentored in designing
projects to incorporate their particular interests into their work on the
magazine. Research and prepare at least one article about a Boston area
activist project/campaign; conduct at least one interview and prepare it for
publication; help Peacework increase its outreach to young people through
its web and print editions; help compile the resource and event listings for
the magazine; attend area peace and justice events; learn basic layout, web
research, fact-checking, database, and fundraising skills.

WHO: Activists of color, ages 18-24, with interest in writing as an
important way to work for social justice. Some experience with social
justice activism recommended. Preference given to candidates based in the
greater Boston area.

HOW MUCH: $2500 stipend

TO APPLY: Send resume, writing sample (2000 words or less), and cover letter
by April 1, 2009 to Phyllis Cohen Gately, AFSC, 2161 Massachusetts Ave.,
Cambridge MA 02140; 617/661-6130; pcohen at afsc.org

ABOUT PEACEWORK: Published since 1972, Peacework (www.peaceworkmagazine.org)
is a national monthly peace and justice magazine published by the American
Friends Service Committee. Its goal is to serve a broad range of movements
for nonviolent social change by covering social justice and peace issues in
a way that links grassroots work with national and international

ABOUT PATRICIA WATSON: Peacework was served with skill, grace, and deep
dedication by editor Patricia Watson from 1997-2003. In addition to her work
making Peacework a valuable and honored journal of nonviolent activism,
Patricia found time to continue her involvement in grassroots organizing for
economic and racial justice, and also to provide care and guidance to a
constant stream of young activists who sought her out. It is with great
pleasure that we announce the establishment of a paid internship that will
bear her name and provide a unique opportunity for young writers of color to
gain an in-depth educational experience in what we call "empowerment

ABOUT AFSC: The work of the American Friends Service Committee (www.afsc.org)
is rooted in the spiritual insights of the Religious Society of Friends
(Quakers). Since 1917 the AFSC has worked with people of many religious and
ethical traditions to affirm the dignity and promise of every individual, to
relieve the suffering of war and poverty, to foster peace and
reconciliation, and to promote social justice.
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