[act-ma] 4/15 Speakout: Rising cost of public higher education in Mass.

Kate Silverstein k8silverstein at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 09:37:59 PDT 2009

Hey all students at public colleges and universities in Massachusetts:

I am writing to tell you about an event happening *this Wednesday*.  There
will be a speakout at *5:30 at UMass Amherst in the Student Union
Building *that
is open to all students to tell their stories and struggles concerning
college affordability.  If you're in debt or working at a job you hate or
just worried about the fate of your education you should definitely come to
this event.  We will hear about student struggles with paying for school as
well as talk about possible solutions.
Hope to see you there!

-Kate Silverstein

*Speakout on Rising College Cost*
Wednesday April 15th
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Commonwealth Room (where Earthfoods is)
in the Student Union Building

for more information, check out:

for directions, e-mail me at mailto:k8silverstein at gmail.com
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