[act-ma] Workshop times CHANGED

Hillary Rettig / The Lifelong Activist lifelongactivist at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 12 15:01:48 PDT 2009

Hi Everyone,

The times for my Boston Skillshare workshops have changed.  Here are
the new times, followed by the original announcement with workshop
descriptions. Please see www.bostonskillshare.org for more information
- sorry for any inconvenience, and see you there!  Hillary

Saturday, April 18
time management, 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
anti-procrastination, 12:25 p.m. - 1:55 p.m.

Sunday, April 19
time management, 3:45 p.m. -  5:15 p.m.
anti-procrastination, 5:25 p.m. -  6:55 p.m.

Dear Boston-area friend,

I wanted to let you know that I will be giving my antiprocrastination
and time management workshops inexpensively at Boston Skillshare in a
couple of weeks.

Boston Skillshare is a fun community event held at the fabulous Frank
Gehry-designed Stata Center at MIT (5 min walk from Kendall T stop / red
line). Admission is free, but the suggested donation is between $3 -
$10. You can take workshops on gardening, health, hobbies and many other
topics, including mine.  For more info:  www.bostonskillshare.org

I will be giving my workshops on both Saturday April 18 and Sunday
April 19.  To be clear, you would attend either of those days - not
both! You can also go to just one of the workshops without attending
the other.

Please come, and please invite your friends and colleagues. Note that if
you already took one of my workshops, but it was a while back, you
should come again - the workshops have evolved significantly over the
past year. 

Come early to get a good seat!  Last year the room filled up.

See you at Boston Skillshare!



Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, Blocks and Fears 

This workshop helps participants understand the specific nature of
their procrastination and blocks, and why they may not previously have
been able to overcome their procrastination problem. It also discusses
the key procrastination symptoms of perfectionism, negativity,
hypersensitivity and panic. After precisely characterizing the problem,
we then move on to discuss three solutions for procrastination: a
simple behavioral fix; an eight-step process for defeating fear-based
procrastination; and the ultimate solution for living an empowered
life. At the workshop's end, participants typically feel energetic and
empowered and eager to take the actions we’ve discussed. Many later
report making more progress on their work than they have in a long

Time Management 

This workshop begins with a discussion of how time should be valued
(contrary to the cliché, time is not money; it’s far more valuable than
money); why one needs to manage it; and how successful people tend to
view and use time. Then we discuss right and wrong ways to use time;
and lifestyles that support and inhibit success. Then we discuss how to
budget and track your time, how to set priorities, and how to “create”
time through delegation and other techniques. Finally, we discuss tips
for sticking to your schedule, and how to deal with people who don’t
support you. After the workshop, many participants report being more
productive and less stressed.


Hillary’s dynamic, heartfelt workshops not only empowered and inspired
our staff members, but provided them with insights and tools that they
could use to empower and inspire others, including our clients.
—George Zeller, Jewish Vocational Service, Boston, MA

We enjoyed your fresh and honest approach to the topics of time
management and procrastination. —Georgia Antonopoulos, Director, Center
for Nonprofit Management at Stonehill College

So many thanks for such a terrific talk. The group was really energized
and inspired. Some talks are merely informative, but yours was many
cuts above. —Alix Ginsburg, Ph.D., Temple Emanuel Networking, Newton, MA

Hillary's message resonated with everyone....Afterwards, I was swamped
with people asking, “where did you FIND her? We really needed this!”
I’d strongly recommend Hillary’s book and her presentation to everyone
working in Unitarian Universalist and other faith communities. —Marisa
Miller Wolfson, Faith in Action committee member, Fourth Universalist
Society, New York City

Off-the-charts outstanding. Absolutely astonishing. Honest, respectful,
encouraging and sincere. She had us all rapt. —workshop participant

Very well structured – definitely not too “soft.” It is empowering to
hear someone derail the myths that procrastination is laziness and that
being an artist means being tortured.—workshop participant

It was so helpful for me to hear and absorb that “procrastination is
not a moral flaw.” I sat down today and proceeded to empty my email
inbox by responding to emails that have been gathering virtual dust
there for months if not years. The last one I responded to was from
three years ago. Whew! What a relief. —workshop participant 


Hillary Rettig is author of The Lifelong Activist: How to Change the
World Without Losing Your Way (Lantern Books, 2006), and the FREE ebook
The Little Guide To Beating Procrastination, Perfectionism and Blocks:
a Manual For Artists, Activists, Entrepreneurs, Academics and Other
Ambitious Dreamers, which can be downloaded at
www.lifelongactivist.com/downloads . She is a career/life/productivity
coach and workshop leader who has helped hundreds of people use their
time better, overcome procrastination and blocks, find work, build more
rewarding careers, and create more profitable businesses. She honed her
coaching strategy and techniques as head of two Boston-area
microenterprise programs. 

order: www.lanternbooks.com/detail.html?id=1590560906 
read sample chapters: www.lifelongactivist.com/aboutthebook 
coaching: www.lifelongactivist.com/coaching 
speeches and workshops: www.lifelongactivist.com/speechesworkshops 
blog/news/events: www.lifelongactivist.com/blog 
why you should go veg: www.lifelongactivist.com/goveg

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