[act-ma] 4/29 Perception & Reality of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Janet janet at communitychangeinc.org
Thu Apr 23 11:25:33 PDT 2009

Community Change Inc.

Brown Bag Anti-Racism Discussion Series 2009

Changing the Public Discourse around Race



Of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

The third in our series UNDERSTANDING PALESTINE AND ISRAEL, this  
presentation will discuss the discrepancy between the mainstream U.S.  
perception of Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the under- reported  
realities of the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. The  
U.S. mainstream media construct this conflict as one over a disputed  
piece of territory claimed on the one hand by a vibrant Israeli  
democracy and on the other by a series of Islamic terrorist groups.  
The realities of ethnic cleansing, oppression, apartheid, and a  
staggering power imbalance are generally invisible in the U.S. media.

April 29, 2009 (Wednesday)
12 noon – 1:30 pm
Community Change Library on Racism
14 Beacon Street, Room 605
Boston MA
    Presenter: Omar Baddar (MA, International Relations and  
Comparative Politics, U of Memphis) wrote his thesis on US policy  
toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Director of the Palestine  
Cultural Center for Peace and Steering Committee member of the US  
Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, Omar travels to the Middle  
East on a biennial basis. He has participated in dozens of panels,  
lectures, and debates on college and university campuses throughout  
the country on conflicts in the Middles East and U.S. policy towards  
the region.

  The current public discourse around race assumes that we live in a  
color-blind society where the American Dream is attainable by all  
individuals who work hard enough. This deeply flawed discourse  
obscures the racial disparities in employment, education, criminal  
justice, housing, health care, etc. and provides a powerful but  
faulty rationale for leaving our systems and institutions the way  
they are. The issues presented at the Community Change Brown Bag  
Discussion Series are concrete examples of the structural racism that  
affects the lives of all, most acutely communities of color. The 2009  
Series places these issues in their social/historical context and  
gives attendees a truthful discourse, as well as ways to put that  
discourse into action, in order to challenge institutional and  
systemic racism.
  Please bring your lunch. Beverages will be provided. $5  
contribution requested.

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED!!! RSVP (617) 523-0555 or  
janet at communitychangeinc.org
Community Change, Inc 617-523-0555 www.communitychangeinc.org
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