[act-ma] Sunday, May 31, Program: Libraries as Vehicles for Civic Engagement

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Wed May 20 17:56:25 PDT 2009

>From John Lampert

                Sunday, May 31, 10:30AM ETHICAL SOCIETY OF BOSTON  will present the following program

                                Program Title: Libraries as Vehicles for Civic Engagement
                                Program Speaker: Shelley Quezada, Consultant, MA Board of Library Commissioners.
                                                              Libraries offer communities wide resources to support civic engagement
                                                              among residents. In times of budget cutting, their services are often curtailed
                                                              yet these are the very times when residents need them most. 

                               Program Location: Longy School of Music, 33 Garden St., Cambridge(near Harvard Square)
                                                             Call (617)739-9050, or visit BostonEthical.Org
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