[act-ma] Kip Tiernan Fasts Against Poverty ... and More at Open Media Boston (week of 6/5/09)

Jason Pramas jpramas at igc.org
Fri Jun 5 21:50:51 PDT 2009

Hi folks! Check out this week's top stories from Open Media Boston (apologies for releasing this after midnight, but your faithful OMB Editor/Publisher is still on vacation ... as you'll soon see if you read my editorial):

News: Boston Labor Protests New Harvard University Layoffs as Students Walk

News: In the Midst of Market Crashes and Financial Meltdowns, Activist Works To Keep Old Problem of Poverty in Public’s Mind

Editorial: Without Progressive Media Rural Areas Will Not Move Left

More coming in our Arts section this weekend ...

Latest OMB Blog Entries

Steve Jobs Reportedly Felting Better

Stepping Up and Out

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Jason Pramas
Open Media Boston

p.s. - Open Media Boston is a social media news site. As such, we are only as good as the contributions we get from you, the viewers, from week to week. We'd like to encourage you all to always feel free to submit content in any media form anytime. And be sure to comment on content that's already posted to the site. If you've never posted content or a comment to OMB before, check out our handy User's Guide at http://www.openmediaboston.org/usersguide.

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