[act-ma] Cindy Sheehan Monday, June 29, Regent Theatre 7 Medford St. Arlington at 7:30 PM

Nate Goldshlag nateg at pobox.com
Wed Jun 24 12:16:44 PDT 2009

Hi folks,

My apologies if you get this on multiple email lists.  The Smedley  
Butler Brigade of Veterans For Peace will sponsor a talk by well known  
peace activist and Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan on Monday June 29 at  
7:30 PM at the Regent Theatre, 7 Medford St. in Arlington.  The event  
is free but there will be a requested donation to cover costs.  Nobody  
will be turned away if they cannot afford or do not want to donate.   
The event is co-sponsored by Military Families Speak Out, 9/11 Truth,  
Citizens for an Informed Community, and United for Justice with Peace  

We are thrilled to present Cindy, who will speak on the topic of her  
latest book Myth America: 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and  
the Case for Revolution.

Cindy’s antiwar activism began after her son Casey was killed in Iraq  
in April 2004.  After the death of her son, Cindy listened to then  
President George W. Bush telling the nation that those killed in Iraq  
died for a "noble cause."  Cindy had a simple and direct question for  
George W. Bush:  "What noble cause did my son die for?"

She took her question to President Bush while he was vacationing in  
August, 2005, and created a makeshift camp by the side of the road  
near Bush's Crawford Ranch.  Soon afterward, the media began referring  
to her camp as "Camp Casey" and to Cindy as "Peace Mom".  Over the  
next few weeks, thousands of supporters, including members of  
Congress, notable actors and singers, and civil rights activists,  
visited Camp Casey.

Cindy quit the Democratic Party after the Democratic-controlled  
Congress authorized continued funding for the war in Iraq, and ran for  
Congress against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2008 as an  
independent.  She finished a distant second but ahead of the  
Republican candidate.  She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in  

A flyer for this event can be found at http://tinyurl.com/mfkale and a  
map of the area can be found at http://tinyurl.com/mgg583  The flyer  
is also enclosed as an attachment.

Please spread the word far and wide about this rare opportunity to  
hear Cindy Sheehan speak.

Nate Goldshlag
Coordinator, Smedley Butler Brigade, Chapter 9 of Veterans For Peace

Nate Goldshlag      nateg at pobox.com (replace at with @)
Arlington, MA       http://smedleyvfp.org

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