[act-ma] Just say "Boycott Israel".

attn blaine attnblaine at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 28 14:02:18 PDT 2009

Please don't let another semester go by without making "Boycott Israel" resolutions your top priority.

Until then, no part of this war can be honestly discussed or heartily opposed.

There are at least 17 campuses in the area, and at least 3 city councils, where you can easily push for the "Boycott Israel" resolution of your choice.

Thank you.

From: MarilynL at alumni.neu.edu
To: act-ma at act-ma.org; ArabCalendarBoston at yahoogroups.com; omar_baddar at yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 14:08:44 -0400
Subject: [act-ma] 8/1 Viva Palestina Report Back/New England United Regional	Meeting (Sat.)

----- Original Message ----- 
To: New England United list 

Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:06 PM
Subject: [newenglandunited] Viva Palestina Report Back/NEU Regional 

Viva Palestina Reportback - New England United regional 

Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, Chinatown, 5th Floor, 

When:  Saturday, August 1,   1 

Program: Jeff Klein of Dorchester People for Peace will 
report back on the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy which reached Gaza on 
July 15.   (Read Jeff's reports from 

The New England United business meeting will 
follow at 1:45 p.m   Please join us.  

Just today, the 
PM of Iraq admitted that US troops may be asked to stay beyond 2011.  The 
expansion of the war into Pakistan has displaced millions of civilians and 
deepened the possibility of civil war.  The troop surge in Afghanistan is 
creating only more opposition to the US presence. 
We will come together to 
discuss  fall antiwar action proposals and need your 

Proposed Agenda

pm Break and NEU Birthday Cake
2:00 NEU Business Meeting
1. Intros (5 
min.)--We expect attendance from at least 4 states in New England
2. National 
Assembly report back -- Marilyn (20 min.)--A national antiwar conference 
achieved unity on dates for fall actions.
3. Oct. 17/18 -- Cole (60 min.)--A 
Boston UJP Initiated demonstration will be  proposed as a region wide 
4. G-20 -- Ashley (20 min.)--An antiwar presence is planned for 
Pittsburgh when the world’s media will be on hand for the international G20 
5. Regional conference -- David (20 min.)--There is a thirst for 
education on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and so on.  Can we provide 
6. Next meeting (5 min)
4:10 Working Group 

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