[act-ma] 07/31 Why We Demand Free, Universal Health Care for All -- Friday Forum

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 29 16:13:09 PDT 2009

The Militant Labor Forum presents:
Why We Demand Free, Universal Health Care For All
Hear William Leonard, 
Socialist Workers Party candidate for Mayor of Boston
Today the so-called reforms being
debated about health care all include an attempt to shift more of the burden
for payments onto the backs of working people and to cut state and federal
spending on this necessity for working people. This occurs as millions are
being thrown out of work as the capitalist rulers seek to make us—working
people—pay for the crisis of their system. The ruling class is launching a
frontal assault on basic living conditions of working people, from jobs and
wages to pensions, health care, housing, and essential public services. This
offensive has just barely begun.
The Socialist Workers candidates in
Boston, Leonard for Mayor and Laura Garza for City Council, District 1, are
running against the capitalist class and their candidates in the Democratic and
Republican parties.
working class needs to answer this war on our class by organizing a
revolutionary struggle to take state power out of the hands of the rulers. We
must reorganize the economy and all social relations, from top to bottom, in
the interests of workers and farmers.  
The Socialist Workers candidates put forward some immediate
demands to protect working people in the face of the devastation the ruling
class is organizing and to unify the working class in struggle including: 

- No cuts in medical benefits for any worker laid off from their job 
- Guaranteed lifetime medical care and retiree pensions for all.
Join a discussion about the
current debate on health care.
Friday, July 31, 7:30 pm 
Militant Labor Forum Hall 
 13 Bennington Street, 2nd floor,
East Boston, MA 02128
617-569-9169 or email: bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Suggested Donation $5 • Translation to Spanish
available • Traducción al español 
Visit themilitant.com and pathfinderpress.com 
for news, analysis, and books and pamphlets.
By train,
take the blue line to Maverick Square Station and walk down Meridian about 5
blocks to Bennington St., at the Liberty Plaza.

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