[act-ma] Reminder - Under The Hood Fundraiser Sunday Sept. 27 in Newton
Nate Goldshlag
nateg at pobox.com
Fri Sep 18 07:46:19 PDT 2009
Hi folks,
The Under The Hood Cafe ( http://underthehoodcafe.org/ ) is a center
of GI resistance and an active duty chapter of Iraq Veterans Against
The War at Fort Hood, Texas - the largest army base in the country.
It is in serious need of funds to keep going, and the Smedley Butler
Brigade and Samantha Smith Chapters of Veterans For Peace are stepping
up to help. But to do that we need *you*.
We are having a fundraiser at the home of Sev and Louise Bruyn, 48
Glenwood Ave. Newton Center, at 3 PM on Sunday Sept. 27. We will show
some videos about the cafe, share some food, and have some music with
the Willie Sordillo Jazz Trio. We are excited to have Victor Agosto,
Afghanistan war resister who just spent 30 days in jail for refusing
to deploy in Afghanistan, speaking at our fundraising event.
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Directions are at
http://smedleyvfp.org/page15/files/sev_directions.pdf and a map is at
http://tinyurl.com/m62tsk A flyer for the event can be found at
or just go to http://smedleyvfp.org and click on events and meetings
on the left.
Please join us and support GI resistance. If you cannot come to the
event, tax deductible contributions can be made to:
Veterans For Peace Chapter 9
52 Prairie St.
Concord, MA 01742
Please forward this email on far and wide. We hope to raise thousands
of dollars for the Under The Hood Cafe. See you on the 27th.
Nate Goldshlag
Smedley Butler Brigade, Chapter 9, Veterans For Peace
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