[act-ma] young Israeli refusers in Boston October 4 and 5!

Marla Erlien merlien at comcast.net
Thu Oct 1 06:45:50 PDT 2009

Please send out to your lists, the events are organized by student  


Dear Friends,

Shministim in Boston, October 4-5

Sunday, October 4

►Clark University with Netta Mishly
7 PM ♦ Johnston Auditorium in the Sackler Science Center ♦ 950  
Main St, Worcester

Monday, October 5

►Harvard Brown Bag Lunch
12 PM ♦ Law School/Pound Hall 201

►Northeastern University
3:30 PM ♦ Dockser 240 in the School of Law

►Brandeis University
7 PM ♦ Pearlman Lounge

Got Facebook? Join the Cause
Help support the tour with your donations

For three weeks, Maya Wind and Netta Mishly, both from Israel, have  
been explaining to audiences across the country why they refuse to  
serve in the Israeli military.  They refuse to rule over an occupied  
people.  They refuse to detain Palestinians without charge. They  
refuse to guard checkpoints, to enforce a siege, to usher in a  
humanitarian disaster.

Speaking to hundreds of students at the University of Arizona, these  
two women reminded them, "Your tax dollars are going toward our  
Occupation!" They gave their personal accounts of how they came to be  
Shministim - Israeli youth who have signed a letter stating their  
refusal to join the Israeli army.  This was not a decision they came  
to lightly as they knew they would pay a price - military prison.

You can learn why they paid that price, because they will be speaking  
at several locations in the Boston Area this Sunday, October 4 and  
Monday, October 5!

Help us publicize these events by forwarding this e-mail widely; you  
can also visit our tour website at www.WhyWeRefuse.org where you can  
find out when the Shministim will be in other cities.  Don't forget  
to pass the site along to your friends, family, coworkers, e-mail  
lists, and affiliated organizations.

We'll see you there!

The Why We Refuse Tour is a joint project of Jewish Voice for Peace  

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