[act-ma] Sunday morning, November 1, Program Title: Electoral Reform: Relying on the Popular Vote in Presidental Elections

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Wed Oct 21 16:59:54 PDT 2009

>From John Lampert: 

Sunday morning 10:30AM the Ethical Society of Boston will be presenting a program: 

                     Electoral Reform: Relying on the Popular Vote in Presidental Elections

     10:30AM Spiegel Auditorium, 56 Brattle Street, Cambridge (Harvard Square), Program Speaker: Pam Wilmot
       Executive Director of Common Cause of Massachusetts, Program is Free, Public Welcome, Coffee and 
       Discussion to follow talk. For further information call 617-739-9050 or visit BostonEthical.Org

                        Common Cause is engaged in a nation wide campaign to reform presidential elections by supporting
                        reliance on the popular vote rather than on the electoral college vote.  Pam Wilmot will discuss this
                        important issue and the organizing strategies needed to realize this change. 

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