[act-ma] Free Discussion Group on Animal Ethics and Advocacy (Starting Jan. 10)

Jason Ketola jasonketola at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 13:38:56 PST 2009

Are you a vegan interested in better understanding the philosophies 
underpinning the different segments of the modern animal 
rights/protection 'movement'? Interested in reading about and discussing 
what the right and best sort(s) of advocacy are?

If so, consider participating in a free discussion group on these very 
topics. There will be seven meetings at which topics pertinent to above 
questions will be discussed. (Note: The discussion group meetings are 
run seminar style by two facilitators with philosophy and activism 
backgrounds. The meetings are not lecture-based.) Six of the meetings 
will involve assigned readings from three people who have significantly 
influenced contemporary animal ethics and the different advocacy 
strategies of the 'movement': Tom Regan, Peter Singer, and Gary Francione.

The meetings will occur on the following Sunday afternoons: 1/10, 1/24, 
2/7, 2/21, 3/7, and 3/21 (seventh date to be determined by group). The 
location will be determined based on participants' preferences but will 
be conveniently located in the Boston area.

Please contact me, Jason (jasonketola at gmail.com), if you're interested 
in participating or with any questions.

(If you are *not vegan* but are interested in learning about and 
discussing animal ethics and veganism, please also contact Jason right 
away about an introductory-level discussion group to be held on Sunday, 
December 6th.)
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