[act-ma] Rally in Solidarity with Georgetowne Homes Tenants! February 20th at 1:00 PM

kaymathews at saveourhomes.org kaymathews at saveourhomes.org
Thu Feb 18 12:04:10 PST 2010

Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants * Tenants United to Save Our Homes

Rally in support of Georgetowne Tenants United!
  Saturday, February 20, 2010
  1:00 PM to 2:30 PM


  Ohrenberger Community Center
  175 West Boundary Road
  West Roxbury, MA 02132

  Last fall, Georgetowne Tenants United (GTU) won an agreement by Beacon
Properties to freeze rents for 286 moderate income families for at least a
year. At GTU’s request, Beacon also filed with HUD for a possible renewal
of the Section 8 contract for Georgetowne I, which expires on February 28,
2010. Beacon has NOT announced a final decision on Section 8 renewal.
_Beacon only has until the end of February to either renew, opt out, or
seek a short term extension._

  Renew Section 8 Now!

GTU is demanding that owner Howard Cohen renew the contracts for at least
20 years NOW.  Tenants to know that our homes will remain as affordable

  GTU Rally to Save Our Homes!

  Demand that Beacon Renews Section 8 NOW!

  Confirmed Speakers:
  City Councilor Rob Consalvo
  City Councilor Stephen Murphy

  Call Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants for information: 617.267.2949
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