[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sun May 9 11:45:05 PDT 2010


Monday, May 10, 2010

"How Changes in Atmospheric Particles Can Affect Clouds and Climate"
Speaker: Dr. Daniel J. Cziczo, Pacific Northwest National Labortory
Time: 10:00a–11:00a
Location: 54-915
EAPS Special Seminar Series
Web site: http://eapsweb.mit.edu/news/index.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
For more information, contact:
Roberta Allard
allard at mit.edu

Monday, May 10, 2010
Reception: SLAB: sidewalk laboratory / social construction / space /  
street vendors / Saigon
Time: 12:00p–1:00p
Location: 7-238, Rotch Library
Photos of street vendors in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam by Associate  
Professor Annette Kim, Department of Urban Studies and Planning and  
Tiffany Chu '10 (architecture and planning).
On view May 5-June 30.
Web site: http://info-libraries.mit.edu/rotch/exhibitions/
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Libraries
For more information, contact:
Jolene de Verges
jdeverge at MIT.EDU

Monday, May 10, 2010
Looking Ahead to the Future of NASA
Speaker: Charles F. Bolden, Jr., NASA Administrator
Time: 3:00p–4:00p
Location: 32-123
Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium Distinguished Lecturer Series
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): AeroAstro, Massachusetts Space Grant Consortium
For more information, contact:
Jeff Hoffman
jhoffma1 at mit.edu

Monday, May 10, 2010
Innovation In Infrastructure and The Built Environment, Professor  
Sarah Slaughter
Speaker: Professor Sarah Slaughter
Time: 4:00p–5:00p
Location: 1-131
Professor Sarah Slaughter's research focuses on innovation in  
infrastructure and the built environment, specifically the  
development, assessment, implementation and diffusion in a context of  
complex systems and processes with multiple organizations. Modeling of  
the systems under multiple scenarios provides the primary, secondary,  
and tertiary impacts of introducing change and provides a framework to  
distribute benefits and increase the probabilities for success. Her  
recent work in this area targets innovations for sustainability and  
disaster resiliency.
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Civil and Environmental Engineering
For more information, contact:
Andre Dixon
aldixon at mit.edu

Monday, May 10, 2010
MIT Energy Club and New England Women In Energy & Environment (NEWIEE)  
Co-Hosted Panel: Women in Careers in Energy
Time: 5:30p–7:00p
Location: 6-120
Join the MIT Energy Club and NEWIEE for a lively panel discussion  
where women who have built careers in the energy industry will offer  
varying perspectives. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A  
period and networking.
Jacqueline Ashmore, Ph.D., Consul, Head of Science and Innovation /  
British Consulate-General Boston
Marybeth Campbell, Workforce Development Program Director /  
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
Emily A. Neill, Vice President of Sales / Constellation NewEnergy
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:
MIT Energy Club
energyclub at mit.edu

Monday, May 10, 2010
Carbon Concepts: A Bazaar of Ideas
Time: 7:30p–10:00p
Location: 13-LOBBY
Terrascope Students present and defend ideas and technologies for  
reducing atmospheric carbon and other greenhouse gases. They will  
showcase prototypes, models and example of real, workable solutions.  
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Terrascope
For more information, contact:
Aczel, Debra Gross
daczel at mit.edu

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
NextLab:  Mobile Innovations for Global Challenges
You are invited to see how MIT students have partnered with industry  
leaders and other students in the developing world to design a next  
generation mobile platform to address the problem of global poverty.
Straton Student Center 3rd floor
84 Massachusetts Avenue.
- Mezzaninne Lounge W20-307
for Demos, Posters, Refreshments.
- Room "Twenty Chimneys" W20-306
For Student Presentations.

event schedule
	• 12:00 - 12:55pm  Poster session #1 and live demos. Box lunch and  
soft drinks will be served.
	•     1:00 - 1:10pm  m-Logistics in Developing Countries: Jhonatan  
Rotberg, Edgar Blanco, MIT CTL.
	•     1:10 - 1:20pm  Industry Collaboration Perspective: Oscar  
Howell, Estafeta.
	•     1:20 - 1:35pm  Common Denominator - Social networking portal  
for mobile and Internet users.
	•     1:35 - 2:00pm  m-Billing - Mobile payment and billing system.
	•     1:50 - 2:05pm  SmartLink - User credibility management and job  
	•     2:05 - 2:20pm  Mobilizers - Shipping route optimization and  
	•     2:20 - 2:30pm  Next Generation Mobile Platforms: Paul Yang, MIT  
	•     2:30 - 2:45pm  Trakken - Package and courier tracking and  
	•     2:45 - 3:00pm  MoMa - Mobile marketing and advertising service.
	•     3:00 - 3:15pm  Cloud Maestro - Cloud platform for open source  
mobile logistics and services.
	•     3:15 - 3:30pm  Closing and Announcement of Estafeta Merit  
Awards: NextLab Staff.
	•     3:30 - 4:30pm  Poster session #2 and live demos. Snacks will be  
served and People's Choice Award will be announced.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Defect Engineering for High-Efficiency Lower-Cost Photovoltaics
Speaker: Dr. Bonna Newman, Clare Boothe Luce Postdoctoral Fellow
Time: 3:00p–4:00p
Location: E19-319
Solar is an effectively unlimited resource capable of satisfying  
humanities power needs. The conversion of solar irradiation to  
electricity is a necessary component of any sustainable energy  
portfolio. However, current photovoltaic generated electricity is  
approximately twice as expensive as grid electricity. In order to meet  
this challenge, high-efficiency, less expensive devices made of earth  
abundant materials must be developed.

Defect engineering of inorganic photovoltaic materials is one way of  
enhancing solar cell performance. Defects, such as grain boundaries,  
impurities, and dislocations, are naturally occurring in all  
semiconductor systems and often limit conversion efficiency in  
photovoltaics. However, proper understanding of defects and their  
formation allows for controlling defects and the impact on devices. I  
will discuss our efforts to use high concentrations of impurities to  
actually improve solar cell performance and engineer higher efficiency  
silicon solar cells.
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Initiative
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Marshall-Howarth
rhowarth at mit.edu

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Soap Box: How Can Engineers Contribute to the Fight Against Malaria?
Speaker: Dean Subra Suresh and graduate students from the Suresh  
Research Group
Time: 6:00p–7:30p
Location: N51, MIT Museum at 265 Massachusetts Avenue
MIT Dean of Engineering Subra Suresh has made understanding malaria -  
its effect on red blood cells, its diagnosis, and future methods of  
treatment - a top priority of his research group. Professor Suresh and  
members of his research group will talk about how engineers and  
biologists have come together to examine the biomechanical properties  
of living materials, especially malaria-infected red blood cells. Join  
the conversation and explore how interdisciplinary research allows for  
the rapid development of technologies that were science fiction only a  
few years ago.
Web site: web.mit.edu/museum/programs/soapbox.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): MIT Museum
For more information, contact:
MIT Museum Reception
museum at mit.edu
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
"No Impact Man": Can you save the planet?
Time: 6:30p–8:00p
Location: 4-237
Screening and Dinner
Colin Beavan decides to completely eliminate his personal impact on  
the environment for the next year. It means eating vegetarian, buying  
only local food, and turning off the refrigerator. It also means no  
elevators, no television, no cars, busses, or airplanes, no toxic  
cleaning products, no electricity, no material consumption, and no  
garbage. No problem, at least for Colin, but he and his family live in  
Manhattan. So when his espresso-guzzling, retail-worshipping wife  
Michelle and their two-year-old daughter are dragged into the fray,  
the No Impact Project has an unforeseen impact of its own.

Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein's film provides an intriguing inside  
look into the experiment that became a national fascination and media  
sensation, while examining the familial strains and strengthened bonds  
that result from Colin and Michelle's struggle with their radical  
lifestyle change.
Web site: http://www.noimpactdoc.com/index_m.php
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Amnesty International, GSC Funding Board
For more information, contact:
mitai-exec at mit.edu

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
"Canaries or Chimneys? The Role of the Himalaya in Regional and Global  
Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Change"
Speaker: Dr. Arnico K. Panday, Department of Environmental Sciences,  
University of Virginia
Time: 10:00a–11:00a
Location: 54-915
EAPS Special Seminar
Web site: http://eapsweb.mit.edu/news/index.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
For more information, contact:
Roberta Allard
allard at mit.edu

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Saving the World, Science, and Yourself with Cross-Cultural  
Engineering: Anthropological Field Methods for the Intrepid Engineer
Speaker: Scott Lacy
Time: 5:00p–7:00p
Location: 4-370
Cross-cultural engineering brings highly skilled volunteers and  
critical technology into developing communities worldwide. This  
session will explore how cross-cultural engineering contributes to  
international development projects and community relations. Scott Lacy  
will lead attendees through a talk on his own experiences in Mali and  
an applied activity to give attendees the change to practice the  
methods he teaches.
Food will be provided. Please RSVP to rheywood at mit.edu.
Web site: http://ewb.mit.edu
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Engineers Without Borders
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Heywood
rheywood at mit.edu

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Energy Discussions: Electrifying the Developing World
Speaker: Rhonda Jordan
Time: 6:00p–7:00p
Location: 26-204
There are 1.6 billion people in the world today that do not have  
access to electricity.? The factors contributing to this reality are  
numerous, but many people are looking to distributed generation to  
provide energy to those who need it most. Join members of the MIT  
Energy Club to discuss the latest arguments for distributed versus  
centralized electricity generation in the developing world.
Please prepare for the discussion by reading the articles posted on  
the event website.
A light dinner will be served.
Web site: http://www.mitenergyclub.org/events-and-programs/discussion-series/
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club
For more information, contact:
Rebecca Dell

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Bang Wong: Communicating Science Visually
Speaker: Bang Wong
Time: 7:00p
Location: N30, The Broad Institute Auditorium
IEEE/ACM Joint Seminar Series
Exploring the edge of computing technology.
Images play a critical role in the advancement of science. Throughout  
history, there has been a rich tradition of capturing the natural  
world through drawings to document and understand biology.  
Illustrations continue to be the mainstay of science communication.  
Visual representation of information is an important instrument of  
science. With the massive amounts of data researchers are able to  
generate today, they rely on visualization for analysis and to gain  
insights into the domain under study. Designing effective visuals  
requires catering to the audience and including the right level of  
detail. This is true whether the purpose of the visual representation  
is for communication to the public at large or for researchers to  
explore data.
Bang Wong is the Creative Director of the Broad Institute of MIT and  
Harvard and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Art as  
Applied to Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of  
Medicine. His work focuses on communicating science visually in the  
areas of scientific graphics, data visualization, and art and design.  
He received a Masters degree in Immunology and a Masters degree in  
Medical and Scientific Illustrations both from Johns Hopkins  
University School of Medicine. www.bangwong.com
This joint meeting of the Boston Chapters of the IEEE Computer and  
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societies, the MIT Biological  
Engineering and BioMedical Engineering Student Group and GBC/ACM will  
be in the Broad Auditorium.
Web site: http://ewh.ieee.org/r1/boston/computer/bangtalk.html
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): ACM & IEEE/CS, Engineering in Medicine and Biology  
Society, MIT Biological Engineering and BioMedical Engineering Student  
Group (BE-BMES)
For more information, contact:
Dorothy Curtis
dcurtis at csail.mit.edu

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Turning the Tide: Spreading the word on Organic Farming
Speaker: Revathy (Association for India's Development, Saathi)
Time: 7:00p–8:30p
Location: 4-231
We would like to invite you to a very special talk by Association for  
India's Development (AID) Saathi, Revathy who is on a US tour. After  
Cyclone Aila in May 2009 where most of the salinated land was  
speculated to be useless for agriculture for 3 years, AID Boston  
worked closely with Revathy who trained the farmers in the Sunderbans,  
West Bengal in growing paddy and vegetables using modern and  
innovative organic methods proving them wrong in just a few months.
About Revathy:
Revathy has worked with more than 32,000 farmers in the organic  
movement in Tamil Nadu and her work has been recognized by the  
governments of India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Her hands-on knowledge  
in the importance of rejuvenating the soil using a holistic approach  
towards soil restoration, seed selection techniques, methods to create  
organic pest repellent and herbicides would help us understand and  
appreciate the intricacies involved in agricultural practices. She  
also has a lot of experience in disaster management and has  
spearheaded some of these efforts supported by AID during the  
Tsunami(Tamil Nadu), Cyclone Aila (West Bengal) and Kurnool (Andhra  
Pradesh) floods.
For more information, see: http://www.aidboston.org/RevathyUSTour2010/index.html
This event is brought to you by Association For India's Development  
MIT & Boston Chapters
Web site:http://www.aidboston.org/RevathyUSTour2010/index.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Association for India's Development - MIT
For more information, contact:
Karthik Shekhar
617 999 6155
kshekhar at mit.edu


Participedia: A Crowd Sourced Approach to Discovering, Understanding,  
and Diffusing
Mon., May 10, 2010, 12 – 1:30 p.m.
Room 226, Suite 200-North, 124 Mt. Auburn, Cambridge MA
Business, Classes/Workshops, Lecture, Social Sciences
Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Archon Fung, Harvard Kennedy School
christina_marchand at hks.harvard.edu

Participedia is a wiki-based platform with an ambitious goal:  
strengthening democracy around the world. The website consists of a  
user-generated library of examples and methods of participatory  
governance, public deliberation, and collaborative public action. From  
citizen involvement in budgeting to oversight groups that ensure  
better health care and social service delivery, government initiatives  
that encourage democratic participation demonstrate powerful results.  
Participedia was launched in September of 2009 and uses the same wiki  
platform as Wikipedia to tell stories about efforts such as  
participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil; municipal evaluation  
meetings in China; and the CaliforniaSpeaks health care dialogue with  

Centennial Lowell Lecture. "The Tethered Life: Technology Reshapes  
Intimacy and Solitude"
Fri., May 14, 2010, 8 – 9:30 p.m.
Lowell Lecture Hall
Humanities, Information Technology, Lecture, Social Sciences
Harvard Extension School
Sherry Turkle, Abby Rockefeller Mauze Professor of the Social Study of  
Science and Technology at MIT
Free; seating on first-come, first-served basis
Sherry Turkle has focused her research on psychoanalysis and culture  
and on the psychology of people's relationship with technology,  
especially computer technology. Her focus has been not on what the  
computer does but what the computer does to us — to our relationships,  
to our families, to our ways of thinking about what is special about  
being human. In this lecture, Turkle considers the significant impact  
technology has on our personal and political lives, including the  
effect on our children, our families, and our notions of privacy.


Thursday, May 13
6:30 pm
Public Meeting on Solar Air Conditioning System at MIT
350 Brookline Street, Cambridge, MA
more information at 617-253-0942

BASEA Forum: May 13: Hilary Flynn, "Cuba's Energy Revolution: Lessons  
in Sustainable Energy Development"

1st Parish Unitarian Church, #3 Church St., Harvard Square, Cambridge.
A reception begins at 7:00 p.m., with the program beginning at 7:30 p.m.


more listings at http://www.bostonscienceandengineeringlectures.com/

links to public lecture information for most colleges and universities  
in the Boston area at http://hubevents.blogspot.com

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