[act-ma] Chuck Turner Trial and More at Open Media Boston (week of 10/22/10)

Jason Pramas jpramas at igc.org
Sun Oct 24 20:56:47 PDT 2010

Hi folks! Check out our latest edition of Open Media Boston. And don't 
forget, we're having an organizing meeting for our new Open Media 
Co-operative in mid-November. If you're interested to attend, email me 
at info at openmediaboston.org for more details. Jason, OMB.

News: President Obama Draws Supporters and Detractors To Patrick 
Campaign Rally

News: Housing Advocates Demand End to Foreclosures Outside American 
Banking Association Confab

Editorial: Chuck Turner's Trial Shows That America is Anything But 

Opinion: No Jobs: Government Business as Usual

Opinion: One Progressive Voice, One Progressive Choice

Featured Visual by Jason Pramas

Blog Entry: NPR Fires Juan Williams, Part 2

Blog Entry: NPR Fires Analyst/Correspondent Juan Williams

If you'd like to join OMB on MySpace 
(http://www.myspace.com/openmediaboston) and Facebook (organizational 
page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Open-Media-Boston/16603698226 and 
group http://www.facebook.com/inbox/#/group.php?gid=16418766006).

If you'd like to post an event listing in the Upcoming Events section in 
the left-hand menu column of OMB, find out how at 
http://www.openmediaboston.org/usersguide#event. Now easier to use. For 
registered users only.

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Jason Pramas
Open Media Boston

p.s. - Open Media Boston is a social media news site. As such, we are 
only as good as the contributions we get from you, the viewers, from 
week to week. We'd like to encourage you all to always feel free to 
submit content in any media form anytime. And be sure to comment on 
content that's already posted to the site. If you've never posted 
content or a comment to OMB before, check out our handy User's Guide at 

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