[act-ma] Costume Party! Sat, Oct. 30 at the William Street Coop to benefit UAINE

l simon lsimon2006 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 28 11:47:57 PDT 2010

ACT-MA supporters ~ Please come to our Halloween party this Saturday night -- 
details are below and attached. 

Linda Simon

 ...   As you may know, I support the American Indian "Day of Mourning" 
observance and dinner, which is held in Plymouth on U.S. thanksgiving day. This 
party is a bit of a fundraiser, with the emphasis on the fun rather than the 
funds. A spirited time will be had by all, and our scrumptious dinners are 

Donations are optional, and nobody will be put on the spot, but I hope that 
guests will drop about ten dollars each. Please come, and feel free to invite 
friends. It will be a great time, and I can't wait to see the costumes!!!

Please forward, bring friends; flyer attached and data below, thanks.
Costume Party!! 
When: Saturday, October 30, 2010 ~ 6:00 p.m. - on! 
Fabulous dinner, Halloween fun, surprises and Prizes for the best/worst 

If you don’t have a costume, don’t let that stop you ~ 
we have some showy accessories that you can throw on 
Place: William Street Coop, 14 William Street, Somerville 
off College Ave., between Davis Square & Powderhouse circle 

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