[act-ma] 11/8 Monday - Social Movements and the State in Latin America; also see the 11/15 post-election forum

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Fri Nov 5 05:25:30 PDT 2010

Two events: next week on Monday, internationally acclaimed journalist, Raúl
Zibechi, and then on the following Monday (11/15) the Majority Agenda
Project hosts a post election forum with the local One Nation Working
Together advocates. Both events take place at encuentro 5.

1. Join us for a conversation about indigenous social movements, the state
and social change, with an original thinker and activist, Raúl Zibechi.

Raúl Zibechi: Dispersing Power
Monday, November 8, 2010, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
encuentro 5 - 33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor, Boston, MA 02111
http://encuentro5.org/home/node/164 flyer:

*Monday, November 8, 2010, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. *Join Uruguayan
activist-intellectual and journalist, Raúl
for a wide-ranging conversation about social movements and social change.
The point of departure is his latest work, *Dispersing Power: Social
Movements as Anti-State
*. It considers the largely indigenous social movements organizing in El
Alto, Bolivia that both brought Evo Morales to state power and continue
their challenges to the state. This event is co-sponsored with Boston
Bolivarianos <http://bostonbolivarianos.org/>, the Global Economic
Alternatives Network <http://www.altecon.org/home/>, Lucy Parsons Bookstore,
the Boston May Day Committee, and the journal Socialism and

Recent Articles by Raúl Zibechi<http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%BAl_Zibechi>

   - "Dilma Rousseff and the magic of
   in The Guardian, September 29, 2010
   - "Chile: the other 9/11
   in The Guardian, September 11, 2010
   - "New rifts in Latin America, but no
   in The Guardian, August 17, 2010
   - "Bolivia and Ecuador: The State against the Indigenous
   in Americas Program, July 19, 2010
   - "Earthquake and Tsunami in Chile: The Militarization of Natural
   in Foreign Policy in Focus, March 26, 2010
   - "Interview with Raul Zibechi <http://www.grain.org/seedling/?id=671>"
   in Seedling, January, 2010

 *Comments on Dispersing Power*: "Zibechi goes to Bolivia to learn. Like us,
he goes with questions, questions that stretch far beyond the borders of
Bolivia. How do we change the world and create a different one? How do we
get rid of capitalism? How do we create a society based on dignity? What is
the role of the state and what are the possibilities of changing society
through anti-state movements?... the most important practical and
theoretical questions that have risen from the struggles in Latin America
and the world in the last fifteen years or so.... The book is beautiful,
exciting, stimulating.... Do read it and also give it your friends."—John
Holloway, from the Foreword

"Raúl Zibechi recounts in wonderful detail how dynamic and innovative
Bolivian social movements succeeded in transforming the country. Even more
inspiring than the practical exploits, though, are the theoretical
innovations of the movements, which Zibechi highlights, giving us new
understandings of community, political organization, institution, and a
series of other concepts vital to contemporary political thought." Michael
Hardt, co-author of*Empire, Multitude, and Commonwealth*.

This, Raúl Zibechi's first book translated into English, is an historical
analysis of social struggles in Bolivia and the forms of community power
instituted by that country's indigenous Aymara. Dispersing Power, like the
movements it describes, explores new ways of doing politics beyond the
state, gracefully mapping the "how" of revolution, offering valuable lessons
to activists and new theoretical frameworks for understanding how social
movements can and do operate independently of state-centered models for
social change.

Raúl Zibechi is one of Latin America's leading political theorists, an
international analyst for Brecha (Montevideo, Uruguay), professor at the
Multiversidad Franciscana de América Latina, and author of Genealogía de la
Revuelta and Autonomías y Emancipaciones: América Latina en Movimiento.

Ramor Ryan is an Irish writer and translator based in Chiapas, Mexico. His
book*Clandestines: The Pirate Journals of an Irish Exile* was published by
AK Press in 2006.

Benjamin Dangl is author of *The Price of Fire* and *Dancing with Dynamite*.

John Holloway is author of *Change the World Without Taking Power* and *Crack

2. After the Elections: Where Do We Go from Here?



*Monday, November 15, 2010, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.* The “One Nation Working
Together” rally brought together an unprecedented progressive coalition in
Washington on October 2. Nationally, One Nation plans to continue its
ambitious collaboration effort after the November election -- when such
collaboration between labor, civil rights, environmental, social justice,
housing, peace and youth groups will be more important than ever.

The speakers represent Massachusetts groups that collaborated on One Nation.
The forum will assess the election results and their impact on our
movements’ political environment, suggest ways that our movements can
respond together in 2011 to the many challenges we face, and examine whether
One Nation might play a role in our efforts to unite social movements here
in Massachusetts.

Sponsor: Majority Agenda Project <http://www.majorityagendaproject.org/>

   - Juan Cofield
   New England Area Conference NAACP
   - Maria Elena Letona
   Immigrants Rights Activist
   - Russ Davis
   Jobs with Justice
   - Grace Ross
   Mass. Alliance Against Predatory Lending
   - Steve Meacham
   City Life/Vida Urbana
   - Lew Finfer
   Mass. Communities Action Network
   - Enid Eckstein (invited)
   SEIU 1199
   - Peter Brooks
   Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety
   - Mike Prokosch
   Fund our Communities/Cut Military Spending 25%
   - Mark Solomon
   Majority Agenda Project


Sign the on-line petitions demanding that the U.S. sign the UN Convention on
Migrant Workers Rights

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