Geoff Carens geoff.carens at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 16:11:44 PST 2010

*Dear All,

You could help spark an organizing drive of service workers in Boston!
Please join us for a discussion and strategy session with Barista/Organizer
Anja Witek of the Starbucks Workers Union. Anja will describe how the SWU
fights for a living wage, decent benefits, consistent scheduling, respect on
the job, and a healthier, safer workplace for super-exploited service-sector
workers. Our discussion will take place Tuesday, November 16, starting at 7
p.m., at Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave., 5th floor, Boston.

A flyer is attached with more information. Facebook event:

Please forward this message everywhere!

In Solidarity,

Geoff Carens
Industrial Workers of the World / IWW

Current conditions for Starbucks employees:

Starting pay for baristas in most states is minimum wage. Health insurance
costs recently doubled.
No worker position has guaranteed hours at Starbucks. No barista is allowed
full-time status or is guaranteed any amount of hours.
Employees are forced to work sick. Under-staffing makes baristas work at
staggering speeds with hot liquids.
Racism, sexism and abuses of power & authority are rampant.
Workers used to get one paid personal day per 6 months. Now they get none.
A new scheduling system forces impossible choices on students and working
Workers have faced massive layoffs.

Conditions for Starbucks bosses:

Enjoyed record profits of $760.3 million during the most-recent fiscal year.
Issued their first-ever dividend to shareholders, further enriching the
financial class.
CEO Howard Schultz earns $3 million per year plus $37 million in Starbucks
Forced to sign their sixth agreement with the National Labor Relations Board
pledging to end their anti-union misconduct.
 * *

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