[act-ma] Fwd: Reminder - Hope you and your friends can join us Monday evening, December 13, for Afghan Perspectives in Film

Susan Serpa neimpeach at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 09:31:11 PST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Sheridan - Community Supported Film <michael at csfilm.org>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2010 17:30:09 -0500
Subject: Reminder - Hope you and your friends can join us Monday
evening, December 13, for Afghan Perspectives in Film
To: Michael Sheridan <michael at csfilm.org>

Dear Friends and Supporters,

It¹s exactly a year since we introduced many of you to the idea of Community
Supported Film (CSFilm) and showed you the pitch reel for the film Brewing
Tea in a Kettle of War (BTKW).  Your support and encouragement throughout
the year motivated us to refine our mission and push ahead with the project.

A year later we are eager to share with you the progress we¹ve made, show
you some of the results from the recent documentary filmmaking training in
Afghanistan and get your input on our rapidly evolving vision for CSFilm and

Please join us from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Monday, December 13th at 147 Bay State
Road (Eli Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies) on the BU Campus.

During the next months we hope you can help organize or solicit
opportunities for screenings of the short films made during the recent
training of Afghan filmmakers.  These shorts bring to life Afghans¹ daily
efforts to address their challenging social and economic conditions.  In
line with our original goals for the Brewing Tea in a Kettle of War project,
these films show a perspective of Afghanistan unseen by Americans.

We hope you can make it to the presentation next week.

Presentation Details:
Monday, December 13, 6:30-8:30 pm
at Boston University, 147 Bay State Road, 2nd floor
Boston, MA 02215
(corner of Silber Way and Bay State Road)
If you have any trouble finding it please call: 617-834-7206

Thanks and best wishes,
Michael Sheridan                        Laura Baring-Gould
Director                                       Chair



Community Supported Film works to strengthen
the documentary storytelling capacity in countries
where the dissemination of objective and accurate
information is essential to stabilization and development.

56 Parkton Road
Boston MA, 02130, USA
617-834-7206, michael at csfilm.org

Michael Sheridan

Killid Media Group, Afghanistan

Laura Baring-Gould
    Chair, Community Supported Film

Laura Roper
    Adviser and Writer

Anuradha Desai
    Adviser and Producer

Susan C. Paine Serpa
Facilitator, Northeast Indictment Coalition
Coordinator, National Accountability Action Network
neimpeach at gmail.com
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