[act-ma] [UJP Activist] An Alternative St. Patrick's Day March for Peace? (correction)

United for Justice with Peace ujpcoalition at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 09:00:14 PST 2011

UJP Activist: An Alternative St. Patrick's Day March for Peace? (correction)


Correction: The parade date is March 20, not March 13, and the official parade
site is  www.southbostonparade.org.  This is the same weekend as the
anniversary of the Iraq war. - UJP

Dear UJP supporters,

Veterans for Peace/ Smedley Butler Brigade seeks people of conscience to walk
with them in an alternative St. Patrick's Day march for peace in South Boston,
March 20, 2011.  (See the Official parade site [1].)  Please let Tony Flaherty
of Veterans for Peace know by February 1 if you are willing to
participate: imtaptalk at aol.com [2].  

- UJP Planning Group


South Boston has long been the cornerstone of racism, sexism, and militarism in
America - perhaps unfairly tarnished insofar as when busing came into being, it
was on the backs of the poor in South Boston, to the comfort of the suburbs.
 Historically in the late 90's gays and lesbians were barred from marching, and
when forcing their way in they became the subject of a court case which
resulted in the Supreme Court endorsing the right of parade oganisers to bar
whom they wished, as it was a private affair.  This, is, of course, ludicrous
as in excess of $300,000 is spent on police and Homeland Security activity
during the parade which it is now estimated to draw one million spectators.

In 2003, Veterans for Peace were allowed to march by the Police.  Allied War
Veterans sued the police and again won the right to bar whom they wished as it
was a "private" affair.  Since that time, any peace organization is barred -
"peace" is a dirty word in South Boston where Marines, and other military
organizations participate heavily.  When we marched on the eve of Shock and
Awe, it was to mixed review, but Congressman Lynch the next day hosted a
demonstration on Day Boulevard supporting the attack on Iraq.  Since that time
he has been a supporter of war, as is the new Senator Scott Brown.  Prior to
the parade there is a breakfast at the convention center where all politicians
in the State and from neighboring states are present, and the President of the
United States often speaks by televised interview.  In 2004 we infiltrated the
convention breakfast and rang a bell when Bush spoke and were quickly ushered
from the hall by police.  In the next year a bronze state recipient and the
Mother of a female soldier in Iraq tried to speak out, and were manhandled from
the hall.

Boston now is trying to put a new face on the city to the extent of suppressing
the name "South Boston" in the case of the new Industrial Park and Wharf
district.  It is my contention that if confronted with a substantial number of
people willing to be arrested the Mayor would intervene, as the parade draws big
media coverage, and it would not desire to be seen as "Birmingham North," any

Currently we would be allowed if we pressed the law to march ONE MILE behind the
parade.  This could be dangerous as this is a long interruption, and marchers
would be subject to the whims of drunken bystanders.  I do feel if we could
raise substantial numbers marching solely under a banner of Peace we might make
a breakthrough.  If we do not have sufficient numbers I fear we would be seen
as the "historical crank."  If there ever was an event which should draw
together peace and justice entities, this is certainly it. It is rather absurd
to be traveling to other cities, when our own backyard is the epitome of the

This is background.  In a nutshell I have told Veterans for Peace I would
support negotiation which would allow a march with just a "Peace" message.  I
would not support an effort where there is not a significant number of
participants - ineffective, and foolhardy, and would result in only a few "I
was there" hero messages to be relayed to the choir of really no significance.




United for Justice with Peace [4] is a coalition of peace and justice
organizations and community peace groups in the Greater Boston region. The UJP
Coalition, formed after September 11th, seeks global peace through social and
economic justice.

Help us continue to do this critical work!   Make a donation to UJP today. [5]

Please forward this message widely


ujpcoalition at gmail.com [6]

            617-383-4UJP (NEW!)

            		www.justicewithpeace.org [7]


Upcoming Events: 


		Massachusetts Peace Action Annual Meeting [8]

		Sat Jan 29


		First Baptist Church

		Newton Center


		Tom Hayden: Afghanistan, Obama, the Peace Movement, and the Long War [9]

		Mon Feb 7


		First Parish Church



		Noam Chomsky and Phyllis Bennis in Conversation [10]

		Thu Feb 10


		Pleasant St Church

		Arlington Center


		No War, No Warming! [11]

		Fri Feb 11


		Boston University



		Brown Bag Lunch Vigil: Bring the Troops Home!  Bring the Money Home! [12]

		Wed Feb 16


		downstairs from Senator John Kerry's Office



		Iran and the US--Potential Partners In a New Middle East? [13]

		Wed Feb 16


		Suffolk University



		AFSC Campus Organizing Conference - Israel/Palestine activism [14]

		Sat Mar 5


		Cesar Chavez High School

		Washington, DC


		Stand for Peace - Resist the War Machine! [15]

		Sat Mar 19


		Lafayette Park and The White House

		Washington, DC


More Peace and Justice Events [16].    How to Submit Events [17] 


Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter [18]

[1] http://%20www.southbostonparade.org
[2] imtaptalk at aol.com
[3] http://justicewithpeace.org
[4] http://justicewithpeace.org
[5] http://justicewithpeace.org/donate
[6] ujpcoalition at gmail.com
[7] http://www.justicewithpeace.org
[8] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2004
[9] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2191
[10] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2196
[11] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2241
[12] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2224
[13] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2124
[14] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2221
[15] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/2260
[16] http://justicewithpeace.org/upcoming-events
[17] http://justicewithpeace.org/posting-events
[18] http://justicewithpeace.org/newsletter/confirm/remove/54b7b5e2b33505t76
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