[act-ma] Libya Machine-Gunning Protesters Now, Boycott Shell/BP

ralph lopez ralphlopez2008 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 15:01:41 PST 2011


Libya Machine-Gunning Protesters Now, Boycott

  *Note: Please rec  Conchita's diary
which is serving as Mothership.

Of the range of actions open to us as the massacre in Libya continues, one
thing I sure as hell don't have to do is spend my money with the companies
who have the most lucrative contracts with Gaddfi, whom he needs to get his
oil to market.  BP's love affair with the Colonel even attracted the wrath
of the US when it seemed the company had helped in the release of the
Lockerbie bomber in order to smooth the way for an oil contract, last year.

 "US accuses BP of Libya oil deal on Lockerbie bomber" (UK

Four senators from New Jersey and New York asked the State Department to
investigate the possibility of any links between the firm's involvement in
the early release of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, who was sent home to Tripoli
from Scotland on compassionate grounds last year, and an agreement which
will see BP begin drilling for oil in the Gulf of Sidra, off Libya.

The request to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for an official
investigation comes a day after the same senators asked her to press
Britain's government to look into the circumstances surrounding the release
of the convicted bomber.

Gaddafii is not stopping at machine-gunning mourners in funeral processions.

 Breaking, AP News:<http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110220/ap_on_re_af/af_libya_protests_54>

Libyan forces fired machine-guns at thousands of mourners marching in a
funeral for anti-government protesters in the eastern city of Benghazi
Sunday, a day after commandos and foreign mercenaries loyal to longtime
leader Moammar Gadhafi attacked demonstrators with assault rifles and other
heavy weapons.

Other reports, UK Telegraph:

 Colonel Muammar Gaddafi turns helicopter gunships on own

For action items, again please go to  Conchita's Action
in her diary.

Also for up-to-the minute posts from what is looking like HQ Facebook go to
 Libyan Youth Movement

I have made a decision to post the below video, as graphic as it may be in
some short parts, because the major media cannot or will not get the
horrible truth out.  Everyone please do something or tell someone.  God help
our human race.
Libyan calls for help:
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