[act-ma] Greenpeace Rally Against Coal

David Lands dlands at greenpeace.org
Tue Mar 1 13:24:58 PST 2011

Greenpeace, HealthLink, and other allies will hold a rally at the State
House on Friday, March 4th at 12:00 PM. We are calling for a coal-free
Massachusetts with the first step of closing the Salem Harbor coal plant by
2012. We are asking Governor Patrick to stand up and be a leader on this
issue and support the locals who have been fighting to close this old,
dirty, and dangerous plant for years. We're calling on the governor to
publicly call for the closing of the plant by the end of 2012.

For more information, please contact:

David Lands
Greenpeace Field Organizer
dlands at greenpeace.org

David Lands
New England Field Organizer
david.lands at greenpeace.org
617.749.1322 (office)
614.946.0563 (mobile)
Facebook: Greenpeace New England (Boston)
Twitter: GP_Boston
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