[act-ma] 3/28 Screening of Economics of Happiness & 4/1 Inside Job

eli beckerman elibeck at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 25 13:29:27 PDT 2011

Somerville Climate Action and Representative Denise Provost Film Series Present

The Economics of Happiness (www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org)

Monday, March 28, 2011 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm
followed by a discussion with Julie Matthaei, Economics Professor at Wellesley 
and Joe Grafton of Somerville Local First

Tufts University Barnum Hall, Rm. 008
163 Packard Ave, Medford (side entrance on Packard Ave)
View Map

Come see this powerful new film by by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Steven Gorelick & 
John Page

Co-sponsored by:
Boston Area Solidarity Economy Network, Mass. Coalition for Healthy Communities 
(masschc.org), The Somerville Community Growing Center (theGrowingCenter.org),
Somerville Local First (SomervilleLocalFirst.org), Greater Boston Slow Money

Featuring voices from six continents, including:
Vandana Shiva, Bill McKibben, David Korten, Zac Goldsmith, Michael  Shuman, 
Samdhong Rinpoche, Andrew Simms, Richard Heinberg, Chris  Johnstone, Juliet 
Schor, Clive Hamilton, Keibo Oiwa, Rob Hopkins

See http://campusmaps.tufts.edu/medford/ for directions. Please bike or use
public transportation (http://publicsafety.tufts.edu/adminsvc/?pid=6).

Download the flyer here: 
RSVP to the Facebook event here: www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=193114760721533


April 1st: Common Security Clubs showing Inside Job

You know what they say. Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice,  shame on 
me. The big banks and lax regulators sure did fool us once, to  the tune of 
billions of dollars and a worldwide economic meltdown. And  unless things 
change, they’re on track to fool us again.

Don't let them get away with it.  Organize a “We Won’t Be Fooled Again”  party! 
 Rent or buy the movie "Inside Job" and watch it with a few  friends or 
neighbors on Friday, April 1.  List your party here on  Facebook 
(http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=190850457618079) and we'll send one 
randomly selected party a free copy of the DVD.

Use this discussion guide 
  to talk about it the film – and to talk about what steps you can take  to 
increase your own economic security.  For the full Teacher's Guide to  the film, 
visit http://www.sonyclassics.com/insidejob/

If you’re part of a Common Security Club, you’re learning about the  causes of 
the meltdown and exploring a new type of economic security  that’s not based on 
Wall Street’s “phantom wealth,” but on the real  wealth generated by you and 
your community.  Sign Up at commonsecurityclub.org to hear news from the Common 
Security Club movement.

If you're in Washington DC on April 1, attend an "Inside Job" public  screening 
and discussion moderated by Chuck Collins at the Festival  Center. For details, 
visit http://www.ips-dc.org/events/economic_meltdown_lets_not_get_fooled_again
Wall Street fooled us once – don’t let them do it again.  Get informed  and get 
moving to increase your independence from their phantom wealth  traps.

Sarah Byrnes
Common Security Clubs Organizer

About the movie: Inside Job won this year's Academy Award for best  documentary. 
 It is a comprehensive analysis exposing the shocking truth  behind the economic 
crisis of 2008. The global financial meltdown, at a  cost of over $20 trillion, 
resulted in millions of people losing their  homes and jobs. Through extensive 
research and interviews with major  financial insiders, politicians and 
journalists, the documentary traces  the rise of a rogue industry and unveils 
the corrosive relationships  which have corrupted politics, regulation and 

Places to rent the movie:  Try your local library.  Other places:  Amazon, 
Netflix, Barnes & Noble
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