[act-ma] Tomorrow (March 31)- NU Conference on Global Commodities, Neoliberalism, and Human Rights

Jeff Juris jeffjuris at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 30 05:20:11 PDT 2011

Hi all,

One final reminder about our upcoming conference at Northeastern tomorrow- Thursday, March 31. 

The Sociology Department at Northeastern University is hosting our 2nd annual globalization symposium on March 31, with a focus on global commodity chains, neoliberalism, and human rights. The evening session, in particular, will explore issues related to politics and activism surrounding global commodities such as coffee, coca cola, drugs, arms, as well as clothing and apparel.

What: Global Commodities, Chained and Unchained- 2nd Annual Conference on Globalization at Northeastern University

When: March 31, 2011

Panel 1- 2:45 to 4:30pm (Global Commodity Chains- a Critical Approach)

Panel 2- 6:00 to 8:00pm (Global Commodity Chains and Human Rights)

Where: Northeastern University, 20 West Village F

For more Information, see: http://globalcommodities2011.blogspot.com/

Conference Description:

The Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Northeastern University is pleased to host its 2nd annual conference on globalization. We are excited to bring together a group of prominent scholars to discuss their recent research on global commodity chains and to critically assess the political and cultural implications of neoliberal globalization.

Presenters at the evening session, including Carolyn Nordstrom (Notre Dame University), Robert Ross (Clark University), Edward Fischer (Vanderbilt University) and Robert Foster, will discuss the interconnections between commodity chains and human rights and the potential paths of resistance available to populations marginalized within the current neoliberal order.

Presenters at the afternoon session, including Catherine Dolan (Oxford University), Andrew Schrank (University of New Mexico), Robert Foster (University of Rochester) and Damla Isik (Western Connecticut State College), will draw on their ethnographic field work to discuss critical approaches to global commodity chain research and theory.

This event is free and open to the public. The Department of Sociology-Anthropology at Northeastern hopes you can join us for what promises to be an exciting, politically inspirational, and intellectually rich encounter. For more information on the conference, including times and location, please visit our blog at http://globalcommodities2011.blogspot.com.

Hope to see you there!

Jeffrey S. Juris
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Northeastern University

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