[act-ma] 4/5, 2 pm Fight Back USA National Teach-In with Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West (Tues)

John Trumpbour jtrumpbo at law.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 4 12:13:32 PDT 2011

Fight Back USA National Teach-In with Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West


Live Streaming Video from New York City


On Austerity, Debt, Corporate Greed (and what YOU can do about it)


April 5, Tuesday


2 pm-3:30 pm  Presentations by Frances Fox Piven, Cornel West, and


Frances Fox Piven has been under sustained attack from the likes of Fox
News commentator Glenn Beck and has been encountering death threats from
some of Beck's most fanatical followers.  She believes this is no time
to surrender!


3:30 pm - 5 pm   Discussion and Ideas for Fight Back with Elaine Bernard
and others


Several locations in Massachusetts, including:


Labor & Worklife Program

Harvard Law School Annex (in Harvard Square)

125 Mt. Auburn Street, 3rd floor conference room

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 495-9265


Contact: john_trumpbour at harvard.edu


Also programs at Emmanuel College, Harvard School of Public Health, MIT,
Northeastern University, North Shore Community College - Lynn, Salem
State University, Smith College, University of Massachusetts Amherst,
Westfield State, Wheelock College, and Williams College.  Please attend
a teach-in at a neighborhood venue near you.


See listing of times and programs at the following website:




Special note: U Mass Amherst will have an early pre-program starting at
11:30 am in the Student Union Ballroom.





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