[act-ma] REMINDER: Tues 4/12 Rolling Back the Right: False Problems, Real Solutions to the Budget Crisis

David O. Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Mon Apr 11 06:11:22 PDT 2011


ROSEDSA-Color-TXTRolling Back the Right:False Problems, Real Solutions to
the Budget Crisis

The Great Recession has created real and deep budget deficit problems for
state and local governments.  Tax revenues have plummeted, while costs of
helping the victims of Wall Street's excesses have soared.  But times aren't
so tough for everyone!  Thanks to taxpayer bailouts, corporate America is
now sitting on $2 trillion of uninvested profits, and wealthy investors are
doing as well as, or better than, they ever were before.


So how come they're still asking us to pay the bill?


*        Why are politicians embracing  "fiscal austerity" when there's
plenty of money in America - except that the publicly subsidized resources
of corporations and the richest Americans have been declared "out of reach"?

*        Are we going to sit back and let them blame workers, and union
benefits, for the crisis created by rich investors and the finance industry?
Is it a crime to try to make sure that working people - all working people -
get a bigger share of the pie?

*        Will we let the future of higher education in the U.S. remain on a
downward path?  Attacks on funding for public education are taking the
American Dream out of reach of everyone but the wealthy, and dooming college
grads to decades of debt-slavery!




Labor fighting back:
Patrick McCabe, Service Employees International Union, Local 888 

Fight back on state budgets:
Denise Provost, State Representative from Somerville 

Fighting back on higher ed:

Gillian Mason, U. Mass Boston, Jobs with Justice, Move-on.org

 52 April 12, 7:00 pm 

 SEIU Local 888 

52 Roland St., Charlestown

T Stop - Sullivan Station (Orange Line)

Wheelchair Accessible 

Directions:  www.seiu888.org/ourlocal/staff/default.aspx



Co-sponsors: Dollars&Sense, Jobs with Justice



P.O. Box 51356, Boston MA 02205 * (617)354-5078 www.dsaboston.org

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