[act-ma] Earth Day 2011 at the State House - Thu 4/21, 11am-1pm

Phillip Sego, Mass Sierra Club phil at sierraclubmass.org
Fri Apr 15 05:33:39 PDT 2011

*Earth Day 2011 at the State House*
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Massachusetts State House
11:00 am – 1:00 p.m. Educational Fair
12:30 pm- Advocacy Training
1:00 pm- Visit your State Rep and Senator
Grand Staircase, State House, Boston

Environmental Lobby Day is your chance to "green up" the Massachusetts
Statehouse! Join the Sierra Club and our environmental allies for a day of
advocacy, bringing environmental concerns and priorities directly to state
lawmakers and officials. We will work to arrange appointments for you with
as many lawmakers/staff lawmakers as well as give you tips and information
to make your meetings as productive as possible. The day includes lunch at
the Statehouse with lawmakers, staff, professional environmental lobbyists,
and other citizen activists. This is a free event.

For more information: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=100112313406352
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