[act-ma] Mon 5/2: Art of the Schmooze - did you RSVP?

Robbie Samuels send2robbie at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 07:42:44 PDT 2011

Hey fellow activists and organizers,

There are still a few spots available for this training on Monday - gain the
confidence to pursue your personal goals AND learn how to create welcoming
community spaces. Often this workshop is scheduled by organizations for
their staff and/or board and not made open to the public. Take advantage of
the next scheduled* Skillshare: Art of the Schmooze on Monday, May 2nd, at
the NonProfit Center*. It's open to the public and only $5-$10 per person.
You must *RSVP to reserve your
spot*<http://www.sojust.org/events/16962412/>(and don't forget to
bring your dinner!).

  This has become my signature training and helped hundreds of people each
year gain the confidence they need to *pursue their personal goals* - from
the importance of shaking hands and making eye contact to tips on the best
opening line and how to exit a conversation gracefully.

  *Art of the Schmooze
<http://www.robbiesamuels.com/p/art-of-schmooze.html>training by
Robbie Samuels
 *A highly interactive session focused on increasing networking skills!*

Do you feel awkward at networking events and uncomfortable making new
connections? Do you miss opportunities to connect with new donors, community
members and colleagues because you don't know the best way to approach them
at events? Do you have trouble ending conversations so you can keep
circulating? We will cover the basics of how to work a room, from having the
right tools to knowing the best approach to engage prospective donors and
collaborators while cultivating community support.

This interactive, fast-paced and fun session will be beneficial for seasoned
fundraising professionals, non-profit board members, grassroots organizers
and anyone interested in creating welcoming community spaces.

Check out related blog
Steps for Successful
"Croissants vs.
and testimonials <http://robbiesamuels.blogspot.com/p/testimonials.html>,
like this one:

I've been networking for the past four years and wish I would have taken the
Art of the Schmooze before now. Robbie's presentation is enlightening,
humorous and engaging. I had an event to attend the day after I heard and
participated in Robbie's presentation. I found myself incorporating the tips
he had and watched my body language and how I placed my feet. . And for the
first time, had graceful exit strategies in ending a conversation. I also
looked for the croissant. Curiosity piqued? You will have to hear Robbie for
yourself to know what that means.
 Mary McManus
(3/11 Art of the Schmooze at Brookline Chamber)

 *TIME:* 6:00-9:00 pm - plenty of time for networking and practicing the art
of the schmooze!
*COST:* $5-$10 at the door - *RSVP to reserve your
*LOCATION:* The NonProfit Center, 89 South Street (by South Station)

Hope to see you at the training or SoJust's open house, Connecting for
Justice, on May 19th! www.sojust.org

Robbie Samuels
Art of the Schmooze Trainer
SoJust Co-Founder & Co-Organizer

*To schedule an Art of the Schmooze or Fundraising training for your
organization please email <robbie at robbiesamuels.com>* with "Training
Requested" in the subject line.
                    @robbiesamuels <http://www.twitter.com/robbiesamuels> |
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/robbiesamuels> |
       Social Networking & Fundraising Tips at
                           "Like" <http://facebook.com/ArtoftheSchmooze> Art
of the Schmooze

 | @sojust <http://www.twitter.com/sojust> | Facebook
*             *
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