[act-ma] MON 7PM- Boston United Antiwar Committee Meeting

Shaun Joseph snjoseph at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 08:33:25 PDT 2011

NEXT MTG MON., JULY 25, 7 PM, Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave., 5th flr

Proposed agenda:

Aug. 6, Cynthia McKinney forum
August 19, Mumia Film
9/11 actions in NYC
Sept. 15, Palestine demo at UN
Oct. 6, Afghanistan demo, with NVDA in DC
Oct. 15, Organizing Boston demo Afghanistan
Building UNAC Conference, Nov. 11-13
Plans for NATO/G-8 Summit Protests Chicago, May 15-22


Attendance: Yuval Sivan, Marilyn Levin,  Khury Petersen-Smith, Kevin
Heaton, Charlie Welch, John Harris, Shaun Joseph, Karen Slater, David
Rolde, Ann Glick, Frank Neisser, Suren Moodliar, David Keil

UNAC NATIONAL REPORT – UNAC organizing kick-off for planning protests
for NATO/G-8 summits in Chicago May 15-22, 2012.  UNAC focus on 1st
day public event like alternative summit or tribunal and international
mass legal peaceful march and rally on Sat., May 19.  Conference call
Thurs nite to initiate planning and organize large meeting in Chicago
in Aug.

Two upcoming actions in Sept. 1) Demonstration in Sept. at UN in
solidarity with Palestine, when resolution calling for Palestine
statehood considered.  2) 10th anniversary of 9/11 – expect increase
in Islamophobia and repression.

N. AFRICA FORUM – July 7 at E 5, 7 pm. Speaker: Educator and
Counterpunch contributor Vijay Prashad. Dr. Prashad.  Title: The Arab
Spring and the Libyan Winter. Kim Foltz to emcee. Get flyer out
widely. Khury to speak for UNAC and ask for donations. Ann at entrance
table.  Set up 6 pm – Marilyn, Khury, Karen, John. Handouts – UNAC
brochure, conference announcement, Oct. 6 & Oct. 15 demos, Mumia
forum. Informal wine & cheese social following forum.

Cynthia McKinney returned from Libya on tour July 29. Boston UNAC
agreed to be a co-sponsor.  UNAC speaker will clarify UNAC does not
take position on Khaddafy.

MUMIA FILM – Order film and show August 19 connect to Other Wars
actions attack on Black community incarcerations the new Jim Crow.
Khury will do initial flyer for No. Africa forum.  Place tbd. Roxbury
location preferred. Frank checking on church. E-5 available as

CIVIL LIBERTIES FORUM – Attacks on activists, Muslims, Islamophobia.
Plan for Sept.

CALL-IN DAY FOR CARLOS MONTES – Wed. July 6.  Montes going to court to
plead Not Guilty.

LIBYA DEMONSTRATION - Chelsea Uniting Against the War/Chelsea
Uniéndose en Contra de la Guerra (CUAW), Boston United National
Antiwar Committee, UJP, IAC & others picket to Protest against U.S.
attacks on Libya. Monday, June 27, outside Senator John Kerry’s
Office.  Approx. 35 attended, including 4 youth.

E-5 – Boston UNAC agreed to co-sponsor.

NEXT MEETING – Mon, July 25, 7 pm, E5.

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