[act-ma] (REMINDER) August - Kingian Nonviolence Reconciliation Course (2 Tracks)

alisa alisa.wind at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 08:40:57 PDT 2011


Transforming Conflict is hosting another round of workshops in August on
Kingian Nonviolence.

In the words of certified trainer, Ruth Henry, the Kingian Nonviolence
process is: *"a life-changing experience which gave me a viable framework
for how to move forward with my social justice work: a clear set of
principles, a tried and tested methodology, and a worldwide network of
nonviolent resisters."*

Looking forward to sharing the experience.

Register online for $15 off the entry: www.TransformingConflict.net.


*Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” MLK

Introduction to

In this introductory course, participants will receive an overview of the
life, work, and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King and will explore how his
philosophy of nonviolence can be and has been applied in diverse settings
across the globe to confront injustice and build towards beloved community.
Certified Course, $50 Online<http://www.transformingconflict.net/index.html>,
$65 At-Door*
*Facilitator: Ruth K Henry*, Lengua de mi Barrio;
                   Cartagena University, Colombia
Co-Facilitator: Jonathan Lewis*,* formerly National
                   Director of Nonviolence Direct Action
                   Training for The Gathering for Justice
2-Day Course on 2 Possible Tracks (10am-7pm):*

* - Sunday, Aug. 7th at La Casa de la
* + Sunday, Aug.14th at encuentro 5 <http://www.encuentro5.org/directions/>
 - Saturday, Aug.13th + Sunday Aug. 14th  (both at encuentro
For more info and to register, please visit:

Full Course Description:*

By learning and analyzing Dr. King’s Six Principles of Nonviolence as well
as his six step methodology, students will become familiar with a viable,
practical, and historically effective map for how to create lasting social
change through nonviolent direct action and dig deep below conflicts to find
true reconciliation.  They will also be introduced to conflict dynamics,
types, levels, and strategies for reconciliation. They will learn the
salient points of major Civil Rights campaigns and reflect on the
ingredients which made them successful. Social models for comprehensive
change, such as Hausser’s Top-Down Bottom-Up and Aggression-Conciliation
models, will serve as a further framework for understanding the complex
relationships between groups of people across a given community and how to
navigate through them towards justice.  Using a variety of interactive
techniques, participants will also reflect together on how to apply these
teachings in our current environments.

*Origin of Curriculum:*

The curriculum for this course, designed by Dr. Bernard Lafayette, has been
taught and implemented in countries around the world, such as Nigeria,
Colombia, South Africa, Mexico, and the Middle East. Dr. Lafayette was a
close friend and confidant of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Civil Rights
Movement activist, minister, and educator, co-founder of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) , and director of the Selma Voting
Rights Campaign. He is considered a global authority on the strategy of
nonviolent social change and has created this course as a response to Dr.
King’s mandate that the next step for his work was the institutionalization
and internationalization of Nonviolence.


The course will be conducted by Ruth Henry, who has been certified as a
Kingian nonviolence trainer by Dr. Lafayette. Ruth is an artist, teacher,
and activist who has worked in and across Boston organizations such as
Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion, Project Hip Hop, and Critical Breakdown to
bring youth together across violent neighborhood conflicts through social
justice education and the arts. She currently teaches at the University of
Cartagena  in Colombia and is the director of La Lengua de mi Barrio, a Hip
Hop exchange program between Colombia and the United States which unites Hip
Hop artists and activists through workshops, trainings, performances,
recordings, binational exchanges and virtual communications in order to
share strategies and join our communities’ nonviolent social justice work.
As Hip Hop emcee, she is a member of Matriarkao, a Cartagena-based female
Hip Hop collective also dedicated to nonviolence and social justice.

>From Ruth Henry:

"Last summer I was blessed to study under Dr. Bernard Lafayette, a close
friend and colleague of Dr. Martin Luther King, and fellow activist (he
directed the Selma Voting Rights Campaign of the Civil Rights Movement). It
was a life-changing experience which gave me a viable framework for how to
move forward with my social justice work: a clear set of principles, a tried
and tested methodology, and a worldwide network of nonviolent resisters. I
feel like it really helped me to clarify my direction, and I would love to
be able to share what I learned with my Boston community. The curriculum for
the course is being implemented all over the world, in diverse regions such
as Colombia, Palestine, South Africa, India, France, Nigeria.... the list
goes on. With all of the violence Boston is facing, I truly believe this
course can give us some clear ideas for how to move forward in the important
work so many of us do to reconcile our city´s conflicts."
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