[act-ma] Friday night 9/2 at Johnny D's: Get psyched for Moving Planet New England with great music and bike-powered sound system

Kerry Thompson thompson0692 at comcast.net
Thu Sep 1 10:26:24 PDT 2011

Our friends from Melodeego are offering a promotion for tomorrow night's concert to get people talking about the big event on 9/24 Moving Planet New England: http://moving-newengland.org/. We're hoping to be there to morrow night. Along with several great bands, you can experience their multi-person bike-powered sound system up close! 
H ere's the event page: 
Here's Melodeego's facebook page: 

Tom and Kerry Thompson 
Lancaster, MA 
Take a stand: FourYearsGo.org 

Friday, September 2nd, 2011 Johnny D's 

Moving Planet Beer & Dance Social - 9:00 PM 
17 Holland St. 
Somerville MA 
Price: $8, $5 w/ special promotion 

We're offering $3 off the cover price to everyone who helps promote Moving Planet by posting this link: http://www.facebook.com/MovingPlanetNewEngland?sk=wall#!/event.php?eid=177686722287305 on their wall with this message: 

Join me, @Melodeego, and thousands of New Englanders for Moving Planet Boston on Sept 24th! 

Make sure to link to Melodeego's facebook page so we can put you on the VIP list for discounted admission! 
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