[act-ma] 9/08 Tonight - Author Wendy Call on Resistance in Mexico (e5, Chinatown)

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Thu Sep 8 05:30:25 PDT 2011

Join the encuentro 5 community this Thursday  for an engaging event
that connect resistance, culture and identity in
profound and strategic ways:

Thursday, September 8th, 2011, 6:30 p.m.  "No Word for Welcome: The
Mexican Village Faces the Global Economy" with author Wendy Call
(@ encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor, Boston, MA 02111)

Wendy Call visited the Isthmus of Tehuantepec—the lush sliver of land
connecting the Yucatan Peninsula to the rest of Mexico—for the first
time in 1997. She found herself in the midst of a storied land, a
place Mexicans call their country's “little waist,” a place long known
for its strong women, spirited marketplaces, and deep sense of
independence. She also landed in the middle of a ferocious battle over
plans to industrialize the region, where most people still fish, farm,
and work in the forests. In the decade that followed her first visit,
Call witnessed farmland being paved for new highways, oil spilling
into rivers, and forests burning down. Through it all, local people
fought to protect their lands and their livelihoods—and their very

Call’s story, No Word for Welcome, invites readers into the homes,
classrooms, storefronts, and fishing boats of the isthmus, as well as
the mahogany-paneled high-rise offices of those striving to control
the region. With timely and invaluable insights into the development
battle, Call shows that the people who have suffered most from
economic globalization have some of the clearest ideas about how we
can all survive it.

http://www.openmediaboston.org/node/1972 ]

Look out on Saturday for Gabrilla Ballard-Thakore
at the Peña Rebelde (also at e5,  September 10th, 2011, 7:00 p.m.)

Come share your energies at the 5th monthly Peña Rebelde, a gathering
of souls in verse and rebellion. Gabrilla Ballard, a recent transplant
to Boston from New Orleans, will share her singer-songwriter
creations. Gabrilla's music, an imaginative hybrid of her musical
inspirations--from Bob Marley to Nina Simone--will delve into where
she comes from and where she's going, not only as a musician, but as
an activist and mother.

In keeping with tradition, the Peña will feature food from New
Orleans, and drinks of course.

Gabrilla's husband Maanav Thakore, aka DJ Inquilab, is rumored to be
deejaying the event, and others are welcome to share their song
speeches and verse and whatever else suits them.

Admission is a suggested $5 to help support the artist and our space.

http://youtu.be/80CDoiugdY0 ]

Later this month, the Downtown Workers Center will be hosting Jeff
Crosby and Carly McClain at e5 speaking to their work in Lynn
organizing a workers center; in October we're hosting our Digital
Media Conference at MIT and Lesley University. More details to follow


Visit http://encuentro5.org, "like" our page on Facebook and join our
FB group for real time conversations about e5 and its work.

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