[act-ma] Building Movements Together, Meet Ben Manski, this coming Monday - Friends Meeting House

Suren Moodliar suren at fairjobs.org
Thu Oct 27 12:35:37 PDT 2011

  [image: The Wisconsin Wave has arrived in the Bay

This Monday's reception is part of a week of events connecting the Wisconsin
protest wave to students, faculty and staff across Massachusetts. Joining
Ben Manski on this tour are Damon Terrell and Erika Wolf, two stars of the
occupation of Wisconsin's Capitol. *For details, click
  *Dear Friend,*

*Where do the movement to abolish corporate personhood, the Wisconsin
protest wave, global resistance to austerity, and the voting rights,
election integrity, anti-war, and campus democracy movements come together?*

Beneath the branches of Liberty Tree, committed to "building a democracy
movement for the U.S.A." since 2004.

*Please join us on Monday, October 31st, at 7pm at the Friends Meetinghouse
in Cambridge* (5 Longfellow Park)
*as we meet and mingle with leading activists from the Wisconsin uprising,
including Ben Manski<http://libertytreefoundation.org/events/ma-revolution-air-reception-liberty-tree>
*, executive director of the Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic
Revolution. Tax-deductible donations to Liberty Tree are welcome at the
door, or online (click
and are sliding scale.

Maybe you already know of Liberty Tree, or know of Ben. If you don't, you
may have heard about some of the incredible initiatives where Liberty Tree
has led:

  *--> Move to Amend,* the nation's largest and most diverse coalition
dedicated to overturning Citizens United v. FEC by amending the Constitution
to make clear that the Bill of Rights protects natural people, not
corporations, and speech, not money, and the right to vote and to have our
votes count.

*  --> The Wisconsin Wave,* a leading coalition of student, labor, farm, and
community unions and organizations that continues to organize mass rallies,
civil disobedience, election protection and more in the state Keith
Olbermann calls "Democracy's Firewall."

  *--> The Democratizing Education Network,* which has helped students,
faculty, and staff in the U.S. connect with their peers around world, and
inspired projects like the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts.

  *--> The No More Stolen Elections! campaign,* which in 2004 became the
Ohio presidential recount, and in 2011 forced the WI Supreme Court recount.

 * --> The Democracy Convention,* which in August brought 1,000 together to
celebrate the emergence of the U.S. democracy movement, and which follows in
Liberty Tree's work in establishing the Democracy Track at the 2007 and 2010
U.S. Social Forums.

And there's much more -- *national guard reform, participatory budgeting,
expanding home rule* -- all of it dedicated to building the democracy
movement here, in the U.S., where perhaps it is most needed.

*This organization has strategy. *These people are dedicated. We hope you
will join us in celebrating their work and reconnecting with this incredible
Wisconsin-based strategy center that has helped inspire this long wished-for
moment of democratic opportunity.

*Hosted by:*
* *Paul Shannon, American Friends Service Committee Majority Agenda Project
 Suren Moodliar, Mass. Global Action & Majority Agenda Project
 Dr. Jill Stein, Green presidental candidate
 Prof. Victor Wallis, Editor, Socialism & Democracy
 Mary Zepernick, Program on Corporations Law and Democracy
 Carl Williams, Attorney at Law
* . . . and friends.*

*p.s. As mentioned earlier, tax-deductible donations to Liberty Tree are
welcome at the door and are sliding scale. If you would like to donate to
Liberty Tree's democracy movement work, but can't make it in person, please
just contribute online (click
Thank you.
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