[act-ma] [UJP Activist] OccupyBoston Nov 2, 5PM - Solidarity March AND Nov 4, 6PM Ocujpemos El Barrio

United for Justice with Peace info at justicewithpeace.org
Mon Oct 31 17:45:09 PDT 2011

UJP Activist: OccupyBoston Nov 2, 5PM - Solidarity March AND   Nov 4,  6PM
Ocujpemos El Barrio 




from Katie Gradowski, 

Hey all!  

Outreach has gotten a lot of feedback  from people  who are excited about
helping but can't be onsite full-time.   There are TWO  events coming up where
we could really use boots on the ground to get word out  to the wider OB
community.   If you have connections to faith communities,  meetup groups,
local organizations, churches, hackerspaces, small businesses,  immigrant rights
groups, or just want to walk up and down the main street in  your neighborhood
putting up flyers, we could really use your help!     

We are hoping to get a large offsite turnout for BOTH of these events --  please
forward, print a flyer, post in your neighborhood, and help us spread the  word!


On WEDNESDAY,  NOVEMBER 2, Occupy Boston will be participating in a day of
strength and  solidarity with Oakland, Denver, Providence, and other cities that
have faced  police repression of free speech and assembly.   At 5 PM on
Wednesday, a mass  march of thousands will begin at Dewey Square, marching in
solidarity with  Oakland and all other Occupations for their rights of free
speech and freedom of  assembly that have been so repressed by the state. 
Anyone who hasn't yet been  to the occupation, anyone who's only been down once
or twice to visit, ALL are  encouraged to make Wednesday their day to join this
movement. Let's make  Wednesday at 5 PM an opportunity to speak in one strong
voice and defend this  movement we all care for so deeply.

On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 6PM the first  meeting of Ocupemos El Barrio will be
meeting at NUBE, 19 Meridian Street, Ste.  4, 2nd floor in East Boston.  
Translation will be available for English  speakers.   Please join us! 
Llamado a Organizaciones y activistas individuales  a participar de la primera
reunion organizativa de Ocupemos el Barrio (East  Boston, JP, Chelsea, Revere,
Lynn, Somerville). La reunion se efectuara en las  oficinas de NUBE 19 Meridian
Street, Suite 4 2do Piso, East Boston (cerca de la  estacion de Maverick, Linea
azul), la misma esta programada para el Viernes 4 de  Noviembre a las 6:00. La
agenda a tratar en dicha reunion consiste de:

1-  Discutir los retos y ataques que enfrenta la Comunidad Latina en Los Estados
 Unidos, particularmente en Massachusetts. 

2- Discutir el Estado Actuar de  las Luchas Sociales en Estado Unidos, que
relacion estas guardan con los  movimientos sociales locales y como estas pueden
ser influenciadas, he  utilizadas para fortalecer las Luchas de Nuestra
Comunidad Inmigrante. 

3-  Establecer estrategia y planes de acciones conjuntas para  desarrollarse en
el  futuro inmediato.

Recomendamos a Organizaciones y Activistas a traer su  analisis, conviciones,
pero sobretodo su energia y deseos de Luchar.


United for Justice with Peace [2] is a coalition of peace and justice
organizations and community peace groups in the Greater Boston region. The UJP
Coalition, formed after September 11th, seeks global peace through social and
economic justice.


Help us continue to do this critical work!   Make a donation to UJP today. [4]


info at justicewithpeace.org [5]


            		www.justicewithpeace.org [6]

Upcoming Events: 


		26th Annual Gathering of War Tax Resisters & Supporters [7]

		Fri Nov 4


		Pioneer Valley Co-Housing



		Arlington Takes on the D.C. Budget Debate [8]

		Tue Nov 8


		Arlington Town Hall



		Stop the Attacks on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid [9]

		Wed Nov 9


		Wang Center, 270 Tremont St



		Veterans Day 2011 [10]

		Fri Nov 11


		Boston Common



		\"Fallujah: a lost generation?\" (film) [11]

		Tue Nov 15


		Boston University



		Nationa Day of Action for the 99% / Pressure Kerry [12]

		Thu Nov 17


		Senator John Kerry's Office



More Peace and Justice Events [13].    How to Submit Events [14] 


"		Attachment
"		Size

		marchwednesday.pdf [15]

		43.78 KB

		Ocupemos el Barrio- final(3).pdf [16]

		954.77 KB

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[1] http://justicewithpeace.org
[2] http://justicewithpeace.org
[3] http://justicewithpeace.org/donate
[4] http://justicewithpeace.org/donate
[5] info at justicewithpeace.org
[6] http://www.justicewithpeace.org
[7] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/3043
[8] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/3050
[9] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/3234
[10] http://justicewithpeace.org/veterans-day-2011
[11] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/3228
[12] http://justicewithpeace.org/node/3172
[13] http://justicewithpeace.org/upcoming-events
[14] http://justicewithpeace.org/posting-events
[15] http://justicewithpeace.org/files/marchwednesday.pdf
[16] http://justicewithpeace.org/files/Ocupemos%20el%20Barrio-%20final(3).pdf
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