[act-ma] 11/20 Come to a meeting to organize an Occupy Boston Antiwar Working Group (Sun)

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Sat Nov 19 07:25:33 PST 2011

*NO to War and Economic Injustice*!

War, police repression, racism, and austerity are the tools used by the 
1% - the military, corporate, financial complex -- to maintain their 
domination and profit margins.We need to build a broad movement that 
makes these connections and challenges their mighty machine through 
education and direct action.

*/Come to a meeting to organize an Occupy Boston Antiwar Working Group./*

*Sunday, Nov. 20th, 2:30 PM*

(Meet at Camp Alex on the Plaza-- SE corner of encampment closest to 
South Station)


*781-285-8622 | *BostonUNAC at gmail.com <mailto:BostonUNAC at gmail.com> 

There is an anti-war vigil scheduled at 1:30
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