[act-ma] Energy (and Other) Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Fri Nov 25 19:44:23 PST 2011

Energy (and Other) Events is a weekly mailing list published most  
Sundays covering events around the Cambridge, MA and greater Boston  
area that catch the editor's eye.

Hubevents  http://hubevents.blogspot.com is the web version.

If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to Energy (and Other) Events  
email gmoke at world.std.com


Occupy:  History and International Examples to Learn From


Webinar: Start-Up Thinking: How Systems Thinking Helps Entrepreneurial  
Ventures Start, Grow, and Mature
Monday, November 28, 2011
Location: Virtual - registration at http://sdm.mit.edu/news/news_articles/webinar_112811/webinar-grama-entrepreneurial-ventures.html

Speaker: Sorin Grama, Founder and CEO, Promethean Power Systems; SDM  
Alumnus Sam White, Founder and Vice President for Business  
Development, Promethean Power Systems

MIT SDM Systems Thinking Webinar Series
The MIT System Design and Management Program Systems Thinking Webinar  
Series features research conducted by SDM faculty, alumni, students,  
and industry partners. The series is designed to disseminate  
information on how to employ systems thinking to address engineering,  
management, and socio-political components of complex challenges.

Soon after a business plan is hatched and long before manufacturing  
ramps up, start-ups begin to apply systems design principles to create  
their breakthrough products. It turns out that systems engineering, an  
art developed and perfected in large organizations, applies just as  
well to small entrepreneurial ventures. What can start-ups learn from  
the likes of Ford and Boeing? Sorin Grama and Sam White, who launched  
Promethean Power Systems just after Grama graduated from SDM, will  
discuss how systems thinking shaped their start-up journey and helped  
them address social challenges while developing their first product.

Website:  http://sdm.mit.edu/news/news_articles/webinar_112811/webinar-grama-entrepreneurial-ventures.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): Engineering Systems Division, MIT System Design and  
Management (SDM) Program

For more information, contact:
Lois Slavin
lslavin at mit.edu


"Recent Developments in Shale Gas: Observations from the Vantage Point  
of Two New Studies (National Petroleum Council and the Secretary of  
Energy Advisory Board)"
November 28, 2011
12 pm
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge

Energy Technology Innovation Policy/ Consortium for Energy Policy  
Energy Policy Seminar Series:  Sue Tierney, Analysis Group, speaker

Lunch will be provided.

Contact Name:  Louisa Lund  louisa_lund at hks.harvard.edu


"The role of environmental gradients and food web interactions in fish  
diversification" with
November 28, 2011
12 pm - 1 pm
MCZ 101 Seminar Room, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Travis Ingram, Postdoctoral Researcher, Herpetology, Losos Lab

Feel free to bring your lunch! Beverages and snacks will be provided.
Contact Name:  Catherine Weisel  cweisel at oeb.harvard.edu  (617) 495-2460


Data is Power, or Is It? Mobilizing the Ethical Consumer
WHEN  Mon., Nov. 28, 2011, 4:10 – 5:30 p.m.
WHERE  124 Mt. Auburn Street, Suite 200-North
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Business, Classes/Workshops, Ethics, Lecture,  
Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Ash Center for Democratic Governance and  
Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School

Co-spnsored by the Transparency Policy Project and the Mossavar- 
Rahmani Center for Business and Government
SPEAKER(S)  Dara O’Rourke, University of California, Berkeley
COST  Free
CONTACT INFO  Bruce Jackan: bruce_jackan at hks.harvard.edu, 617.495.1948
NOTE  By simply downloading an app, consumers can access  
environmental, social,and health impacts of more than 140,000  
products. What does this mean for market interactions? What are the  
implications for governance of global supply chains? GoodGuide co- 
founder Dara O’Rourke will discuss the promise and peril of pushing  
the envelope in a new age of transparency.
LINK  http://ash.harvard.edu/Home/News-Events/Events/Data-is-Power-or-Is-It-Mobilizing-the-Ethical-Consumer


20 Questions with Chris Hedges on "The Death of the Liberal Class"
WHEN  Mon., Nov. 28, 2011, 6 p.m.
WHERE Yenching Auditorium, 2 Divinity Ave.
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Humanities, Lecture, Social Sciences, Special  
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  The Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard
SPEAKER(S)  Featured speaker: Chris Hedges
Moderated by: Homi Bhabha
Questioners: Nancy Cott, Jim Engell, Steven Hyman, Jill Lepore, and  
Richard Thomas
CONTACT INFO  617.495.0738, humcentr at fas.harvard.edu
LINK  http://mahindrahumanities.fas.harvard.edu/


Fiddle Folklorist Alan Jabour Gives Lec-Dem of Appalachian Style
Monday, November 28, 2011
MIT, Killian Hall
Speaker: Alan Jabbour

"Folk Music of the British Isles & North America" invite scholar and  
fiddle folklorist Alan Jabbour to present a lec-dem of his Appalachian  

Open to: the general public

Cost: free

Sponsor(s): Literature Section


Nerd Night Boston
Monday November 28, 2011
Middlesex Lounge, 315 Mass Ave, Cambridge
In Central Square

Featuring Nerd-appropriate tunes by Claude Money

Talk 1. “On the vices and joys of machining at home: Blue collar  
aspirations of white collar men.”
by Tom Trikalinos

Talk 2. “What Art Can Tell Us About the Brain”
by Brandon Moore

Contact http://boston.nerdnite.com/


Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MIT, Building E15-070, E15-070 (Bartos Theater)
Speakers: Dr. Regina Dugan & Dr. Ken Gabriel

MIT Political Science Distinguished Speaker Series welcomes Dr. Regina  
Dugan & Dr. Ken Gabriel of DARPA. Formed in 1958 after the Sputnik  
launch, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a  
singular mission: to prevent and create strategic surprise. The  
principal agency within the Department of Defense (DoD) for research,  
development and demonstration of high-risk, high-payoff capabilities,  
DARPA has persisted as a critical-mass collection of some of the best  
and brightest technical visionaries for the DoD and the Nation for  
more than 50 years.  "Throughout its history, DARPA has had  
achievements ranging from the Internet to stealth, from GPS to MEMS,  
from rockets to the M-16 rifle, and from crowd sourced vehicles to  
plant-derived vaccines."  Today, DARPA is tackling some of the most  
pressing and vexing challenges facing the DoD.

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/polisci/news/dss.dugan.shtml
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): Political Science Department, SHASS Dean's Office, PIE  
(Production in the Innovation Economy)
For more information, contact:
Adriane Cesa
acesa at mit.edu


OpenCourt: Transparency in the Court
Tuesday, November 29, 12:30 pm
Berkman Center, 23 Everett Street, second floor, Cambridge
RSVP required for those attending in person at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/luncheon/2011/11/opencourt#RSVP

This event will be webcast live at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/interactive/webcast 
  at 12:30 pm ET and archived on our site shortly after.

OpenCourt aims to create a model for judicial transparency in the U.S  
as envisioned by our Founders. This Knight News Challenge pilot  
project streams live daily coverage and posts it onto the Internet  
daily. The inherent tension in this project is between the First and  
Sixth Amendments -- the press’ right to free speech and citizens’  
rights to a fair trial.

Our streaming and archive videos represent a firehose of information.  
How do we increase the value of this raw footage -- by helping people  
use it, by contextualizing the content and meta-data such as subject  
tags to better organize and increase access to the information gathered.

Other challenges we face are how to scale up beyond a single courtroom  
and how to make the project sustainable.

John Davidow, Executive Producer

John Davidow was named WBUR’s executive editor of new media in July of  
2009, where he has overseen the growth of the award-winning wbur.org.  
John joined WBUR as news director/managing editor in 2003 after  
spending more than two decades as a journalist in Boston. John’s work  
has been recognized with national and regional awards from the Radio  
Television Digital News Association, the Associated Press and UPI. He  
has also been the recipient of a number of regional Emmy Awards.  
Davidow graduated from Tufts University with a bachelor’s in economics.

Joe Spurr, Director

Joe Spurr is a multimedia journalist and a web developer. Before  
coming to WBUR, he was the staff web developer for San Diego’s NPR  
station, which he helped completely overhaul in 2009. He pioneered the  
station’s adoption of Twitter and Google “My Maps” which culminated  
during the 2007 California wildfires, built layered, interactive maps  
to help track the drug-related murder surge in Tijuana, and produced  
in a roving, three-person skeleton crew from the DNC and RNC in 2008.  
Joe is a Boston native, a graduate of Northeastern University, and a  
former freelance reporter at the Boston Globe.

Val Wang, Producer

Val Wang is an experienced writer and multimedia producer who has  
worked for Reuters Television, NBC News, and UNICEF in both New York  
and Beijing. She has also developed and produced documentaries airing  
on PBS, National Geographic Channel, and The History Channel. Val  
graduated from Williams College and has an MA from the Writing  
Seminars of The Johns Hopkins University. A recent transplant to  
Boston, she is excited to get an in-depth look into a unique corner of  
the city as well as into our nation’s judicial system.


Energy-efficient Wireless Sensors: Fewer Bits, Moore MEMS

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


MIT, Building 34-101
Speaker: Fred Chen MTL Doctoral Dissertation Seminar: Ph.D, MIT

MTL Seminar Series

Refreshments at 3:30 p.m.

Most technical challenges surrounding wireless sensor networks can be  
linked to the energy constraints of each sensor node, where wireless  
communication and leakage energy are the dominant components of active  
and idle energy costs. To address these two limitations, compressed  
sensing (CS) theory is presented as a generic source coding framework  
that can minimize the transmitted data while micro-electro-mechanical  
(MEM) relay technology is proposed to eliminate the leakage.
The practicality of adopting CS under finite resources, input noise,  
and wireless channel constraints is examined. We show that CS, despite  
being a lossy compression algorithm, can realize compression factors  
greater than 10X with no loss in fidelity for sparse signals quantized  
to medium resolutions. A 90nm CMOS test chip, consuming 1.9 ??W for  
frequencies below 20 kHz, demonstrates an efficient hardware encoder  
design that enables continuous, on-the-fly compression of EEG and EKG  

To address sub-threshold leakage, we develop design methodologies  
towards leveraging the zero leakage characteristics of MEM relays  
while overcoming their slower switching speeds. Scaled relay circuits  
show the potential for >10X improvements in energy efficiency over  
CMOS, while early experimental results demonstrate the functionality  
of several circuit building blocks to validate the viability of the  

Web site: http://www-mtl.mit.edu/seminars/fall2011.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): Microsystems Technology Laboratories
For more information, contact:
Valerie Dinardo
valeried at mit.edu


Energy Storage for Renewable Generation
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
4:00 PM (reception following)
MIT, Stata Center, Room 32-141, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge

Abas El Gamal, Stanford
Abstract:  The high variability of renewable energy resources  
(especially wind) presents significant challenges to the operation of  
the electric power grid. This variability can be mitigated  
architecturally via spatial averaging and renewable resource diversity  
(wind + solar), and operationally using conventional generators,  
demand response, and energy storage. My talk will focus only energy  
storage and conventional generation. First, I will formulate the  
single-bus power flow with storage as an infinite horizon stochastic  
optimization problem with the net renewable generation as input and  
conventional generation and storage as control variables. I will show  
that greedy policies are optimal for average conventional generation  
(environmental penalty) and average loss of load probability cost  
functions. I will then argue that the error of the short term  
prediction of net renewable generation can be modeled as an IID  
process, and formulate a residual power flow problem as an infinite  
horizon average-cost dynamic program with the net generation error as  
input and fast-ramping generation (gas turbines) and fast-response  
storage (EV batteries) as control variables. Under this model, the  
asymptotic benefits of fast-response storage can be quantified. With  
the additional assumption of Laplace distributed net generation error,  
closed form expressions for the stationary distribution of storage and  
fast-ramping generation can be obtained. I will then propose a two- 
threshold policy that trades off fast-ramping generation with loss of  
load. Finally, I show that our results and the Laplacian assumption  
corroborate well with simulations using wind power generation data  
from NREL.

This talk is based on joint work with Han-I Su.

Biography:  Abbas El Gamal is the Hitachi America Professor in the  
School of Engineering and the Director of the Information Systems Lab  
in the department of electrical engineering at Stanford University.  
His research contributions have spanned network information theory,  
Field Programmable Gate Array, and digital imaging devices and  
systems. He has authored or coauthored over 200 papers and holds 30  
patents in these areas. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and has received  
several honors and awards for his research contributions, most  
recently the 2012 Claude E. Shannon Award.


Large Scale Banking for the Poor
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MIT, Building Wong Auditorium-E51
Stratton Lecture on Critical Issues

About 70 percent of the world's people live in informal economies that  
require financing-from working capital to tools, equipment, and labor.  
But historically most low income people have been left out of the  
banking system. Instead they pay usury rates to moneylenders or stash  
money around their houses.

Major advances over the last decade have vastly improved knowledge of  
the lives and financial needs of poor people and addressed them  
through enhanced environments for commercial microfinance and better  
delivery of loans, savings, insurance, and payments. Breakthroughs in  
technology enable wider outreach, faster service, and improved  
security. Countries with demonstrated successes with millions of  
microfinance clients include Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kenya,  
Indonesia, Mexico, Mongolia, Peru, and South Africa.

Commercial microfinance for the poor is a critical issue because it is  
the only possible route to long-term global financial inclusion. Three  
distinguished speakers will discuss obstacles and opportunities that  
lie ahead. These speakers are Marguerite S. Robinson, advisor to  
governments, banks, an donors on commercial microfinance policy and  
issues; Michael Chu, Harvard Business School senior lecturer; and  
Robert Peck Christen, president of the Boulder Institute of  

Web site:http://web.mit.edu/womensleague/images/LargeScaleBanking2.pdf
Open to: the general public
Sponsor(s): MIT Women's League
For more information, contact:
Sis de Bordenave
wleague at mit.edu


Science and Democracy Lecture: "Investigating with a Camera"
November 29, 2011
5 pm
Harvard, Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall, 48 Quincy St, Cambridge

Science and Democracy, a lecture series aimed at exploring both the  
promised benefits or our era's most salient scientific and  
technological breakthroughs and the potentially harmful consequences  
of developments that are inadequately understood, debated, or managed  
by politicians, lay publics, and policy institutions.

"Investigating with a Camera"
Errol Morris, Academy Award-winning Filmmaker and Author



Tech Tuesday: Meet the Rockstar Developers of Massachusetts
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (ET)
MicroSoft NERD Center, 1 Memorial Dr, Cambridge, MA

MassTLC is hosting the region's colleges and universities for a night  
of networking and pizza with the area's hottest developers!
Registration Opens at 5:30pm. The event will start at 6:00pm sharp!
Register at http://1129techtuesday-esearch.eventbrite.com/?srnk=13

Moderator:  Vinit Nijhawan, Managing Director, Technology Development  
Office and Lecturer School of Management & Director Enterprise  
Programs, ITEC, Boston University
Walt Doyle, CEO, WHERE
Eran Egozy, Founder, Harmonix Music Systems
Dharmesh Shah, Co-Founder, HubSpot
Jeremy Wertheimer, Founder, ITA Software by Google
We’re kicking off this unique night with a group of powerhouse  
developers who have successfully built companies and cool technologies  
that have powered a generation. We’ll discover the decisions that  
influenced the trajectory of their careers, from an idea through  
development, implementation and success. They’ll share their insights  
on triumphing and the lessons they learned along the way.

Next, developers from some of the region’s hottest companies will give  
a 20 second shout out on the cool technologies they’re working on and  
why you should learn more.  Students will then get a chance to network  
with the developers and visit their demos.

This is a must attend event for students and developers looking to  
connect with amazing technology companies in Massachusetts – from  
start-ups to well established enterprise – the opportunities for  
students in Massachusetts are endless!

Did we mention give aways? We will be giving away two $150 AMEX  
giftcards to students only! Details to come


Energiewende: German Angst or Bold Step Ahead?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MIT, Building 66-110

Speaker: Joschka Fischer, Principal, Joschka Fischer and Company;  
Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany, 1998-2005

The imperative to decouple growth from emissions must be shared by the  
developing and developed world alike if we are to avoid the worst  
consequences of climate change. This will require the installation of  
a new economic model across the globe. To this end, energy efficiency,  
sustainability, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and energy  
security will be the keys to avoid a global crisis for the world  
Germany is a highly industrialized country and with its recent  
decision to eliminate nuclear energy, it has the potential to become a  
model for how a carbon-free economy without nuclear power can prosper.  
However, the political environment in Germany means it has passed a  
"point of no return" - nuclear energy will be completely phased out in  
2022 while Germany vows to continue to honor its greenhouse gas  
emissions reductions commitments. For Germany, there is no way back to  
the energy sources of the 20th Century.

Today, the country faces uncertainty regarding how exactly it will  
meet its energy needs while facing self-imposed nuclear and emissions  
constraints. But by creating a "sink or swim" situation, Germany will  
be forced to innovate and lead. In doing so, Germany seeks to create a  
huge opportunity for companies and technologies that will help it to  
master this ambitious energy transformation, or "Energiewende".

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/mitei/news/seminars/fischer.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: Free
Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Initiative
For more information, contact:
Jameson Twomey
jtwomey at mit.edu


Harvard Energy Innovation Showcase
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Harvard Hall 201, 12 Harvard Yard, Cambridge

Harvard Energy Innovation Showcase
Come hear Harvard's leading energy innovators present their cutting- 
edge clean energy research and perspectives on commercializing  
Daniel Schrag, Professor of Geology, Professor of Environmental  
Science and Engineering, Director of the Harvard University Center for  
the Environment, Senior Advisor on President Obama's Council of  
Advisors on Science and Technology
Eric Mazur, Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, Co-Founder of  
Black Silicon Company SiOnyx
Michael Aziz, Professor of Materials and Energy Technologies
Michael B. McElroy, Professor of Environmental Studies

Please register at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dC1RZTNKNnk4bEg4UXFZWU8tWEd5RUE6MQ

Pizza will be provided.

Presented by the Harvard College Global Energy Initiative, the HBS  
Energy and Environment Club, theEnvironmental Action Committee, and  
the Graduate School of Design Green Design Club


Life in the Universe: Finding Intelligence

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


MIT, Building N51, MIT Museum

Speaker: Paul Horowitz, Richard Wrangham

Are We Alone? That question has perplexed humanity for centuries.  
Perhaps scientists are getting closer to the answer; come find out  
during four evenings of discussion as biologists, astronomers,  
geologists, chemists and anthropologists talk and share their insights  
with you as they explain some of their latest research about life on  
other planets, as well as on our own.

Part 4 of 4: Finding Intelligence
Mind matters. Harvard researchers Paul Horowitz, Professor of Physics  
and Electrical Engineering, and Richard Wrangham, Ruth Moore Professor  
of Biological Anthropology, lead the final conversation of the series,  
discussing the nature of intelligence and how we go about detecting  
it--on Earth, and elsewhere in the universe. What does it take for  
animals to evolve intelligence, and how common is this event in the  

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/museum/programs/calendar.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: free
Sponsor(s): MIT Museum
For more information, contact:
Josie Patterson
museuminfo at mit.edu


WHAT'S IN YOUR STUFF? How today’s technology is helping consumers  
choose products for a better world.
Networking Reception begins at 6:30pm. Drinks will be served
Speakers begin at 7pm
Microsoft NERD Center, 1 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/register?orderid=60381245932&ebtv=F&eid=2511610294&client_token=noqueue

Come join a conversation hosted by Cone Communications about  
transparency and consumer choice. We will be joined by Dara O’Rourke,  
founder of the GOOD GUIDE; Theo Forbath, the VP of Innovation Strategy  
at Frog Design; Julie Wittes Schlack, SVP of Innovation and Design at  
Communispace; and Beth Holzman, Manager of CSR Strategy and Reporting  
at Timberland. The event promises to be an engaging and interesting  
opportunity to learn about and contribute to new ideas in  
transparency, technology and consumer demand!

Dara O’Rourke, a former MIT professor and successful social  
entrepreneur, has worked with leading companies and organizations -  
from Nike to the World Bank to Target - on supply chain issues and  
transparency. Dara’s latest venture is the Good Guide, a website and  
iPhone app that provides consumers with real-time ratings of a  
product’s health, social and environmental impacts.

Check out the Good Guide: www.goodguide.com
Check out Cone's Cause and CR blog: http://www.coneinc.com/whatdoyoustandfor
Twitter: @ConeLLC #whatsinyourstuff
Latest Cone/Echo Global CR Opportunity Study: http://www.coneinc.com/globalCRstudy

There is no charge for this event.


Noam Chomsky: Democracy in America and Abroad

Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 7:00 pm
Tufts University, Cabot Intercultural Center, ASEAN Auditorium, 160  
Packard Avenue, Medford


The Street Just Out of Sight
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MIT, Building 6-120

Speaker: Ta-Nehisi Coates
Ta-Nehisi Coates, a senior editor at The Atlantic, memoirist, blogger,  
and about-to-be historical novelist has created a body of work that  
examines America, past and present. He covers culture, politics and  
social issues from within the knowledge that ours is not a post racial  
community. Coates will read from his first novel, set before, during  
and after the Civil War, told through a series of voices those of  
slaves and former slaves, of slave owners, and more.

 From there, he will speak about how creating those voices led him to  
think about the idea of the writer's voice and what it takes to create  
stories that are not just read, but remembered.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies

For more information, contact:
Shinika Spencer
www-humanistic at mit.edu


Harvard Fall Freecycle

Wednesday, Nov.30th, 2011
9am-10:30am: drop off items
11am-2pm: browse, take and celebrate

Harvard, Maxwell Dworkin, 1st Fl. Lobby, 33 Oxford Street, Cambridge

Freecycle is back! Don’t trash your office leftovers, freecycle them!   
File folders, cabinets, printers/cartridges, books, lamps and other  
office supplies.  Please, NO: TVs, computers, large electronics, or  
large furniture. Save big items for Craigslist, the ReuseList or Harvie.

Please bring items to donate on the day of the event (9-10.30am). All  
leftover items will be donated to local charities.


"From Democratic Consensus to Cannibalistic Hordes: The Principles of  
Collective Behavior"
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
11:00am - 12:00pm
Harvard, BioLabs Main Lecture Hall, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge

Speaker: Iain Couzin, Princeton University
Hosted by: Olveczky and Pierce Labs


Photonic Quantum Control from Simulation to New Architectures for  
Quantum Computers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


MIT, Building 36-428

Optics & Quantum Electronics Seminar Series

Speaker: Prof. Philip Walther, University of Vienna

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Optics, EECS/RLE

For more information, contact:
Donna Gale
dgale at mit.edu


“Winning the Clean Energy Race”: Dr. Steven Chu, U.S. Secretary of  
Wednesday, November 30, 12:00-1:00pm
Morss Hall, Walker Memorial
Registration: www.mitenergyclub.org
Lunch will be served following Secretary Chu's remarks.

The MIT Energy Club and MIT Energy Initiative are pleased to welcome  
U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu to MIT who will be giving an  
address on November 30, 2011 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST on "Winning  
the Clean Energy Race."

Registration is now open at www.mitenergyclub.org and we highly  
encourage you register as soon as possible to guarantee a spot. The  
event is open to all MIT personnel, student and faculty from other  
neighboring universities, professionals, and other members of the  

Speaker Biography

As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu is charged with  
helping implement President Obama's ambitious agenda to invest in  
clean energy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, address the global  
climate crisis, and create millions of new jobs.

Dr. Chu is a distinguished scientist and co-winner of the Nobel Prize  
for Physics (1997). He has devoted his recent scientific career to the  
search for new solutions to our energy challenges and stopping global  
climate change - a mission he continues with even greater urgency as  
Secretary of Energy.

Prior to his appointment, Dr. Chu was the Director of the Department  
of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, where he led the lab in  
pursuit of alternative and renewable energy technologies. He also  
taught at the University of California as a Professor of Physics and  
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology. Previously, he held positions  
at Stanford University and AT&T Bell Laboratories.


Beyond Conventional Climate Sensitivity: Mechanisms of Pliocene Warmth
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
MIT, Building 54-918
EAPS Department Lecture Series talk

Speaker: Professor Alexey Fedorov, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics,  
Yale University

Web site: http://eapsweb.mit.edu/news/dls.html
Open to: the general public
Cost: $0.00
Sponsor(s): Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
For more information, contact:
Jacqui Taylor
jtaylor at mit.edu


The effects of microstructure on transport and chemistry within porous  
composite electrodes for fuel cells and batteries
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
MIT, Building 4-159
Center for Energy and Propulsion Research - Reacting Gas Dynamics  

Speaker: Prof. Robert J. Kee, Mechanical Engineering Department,  
Colorado School of Mines

Professor Kee holds the George R. Brown Distinguished chair in the  
Division of Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Dr. Kee's  
research efforts are primarily in the modeling and simulation of  
thermal and chemically reacting flow processes, with applications to  
combustion, electrochemistry, and materials manufacturing. His fuel- 
cell research concentrates on elementary chemistry and  
electrochemistry formulations and their coupling with reactive fluid  
flow. Primary applications are to solid-oxide fuel cells operating on  
hydrocarbon fuels. Dr. Kee is the principal architect and developer of  
the CHEMKIN software, and primary author of Chemically Reacting Flow:  
Theory and Practice (JohnWiley & Sons, 2003).

The performance of electrochemical devices depends greatly upon the  
structure and microstructure of porous composite electrodes. Because  
of great scale disparities between the complete electrode and its  
microstructure, effective transport properties (e.g., electronic and  
ionic conductivity) are required to model at the larger cell and  
system scales. A number of alternative approaches have been developed  
to model transport within porous electrode structures and to derive  
effective properties.

Percolation theory leads to analytic expressions that relate effective  
properties to intrinsic material properties in ways that depend upon  
microstructural characteristics. Effective properties can also be  
estimated from the direct computational simulation of transport  
through synthesized structures. Experimental techniques can deliver  
geometrically accurate 3D representations of actual electrodes. Actual  
electrode microstructures can be discretized with finite-volume  
representations and conservation equations solved to predict transport  
within complex 3D microstructures. In addition to advancing  
fundamental understanding and insight, such models provide the means  
to evaluate the validity of more-approximate models that are derived  
from synthesized microstructures.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): RGD Lab

For more information, contact:
Jeff Hanna


“North America’s New Age of Energy Abundance: Prudent Oil and Natural  
Gas Development”
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Harvard, Science Center D, 1 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA
Featuring James Hackett, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  
Officer, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation.

Future of Energy

James T. Hackett is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Anadarko  
Petroleum Corporation, one of the world’s largest independent oil and  
natural gas exploration and production companies. He joined the  
company in December 2003 as President and Chief Executive Officer.  
Houston-based Anadarko is active in the United States, Algeria,  
Brazil, China, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Indonesia and Ghana and is  
executing strategic exploration programs in several other countries.

Before joining Anadarko, Mr. Hackett served as President and Chief  
Operating Officer of Devon Energy Corporation following its merger  
with Ocean Energy where he served as Chairman, President and Chief  
Executive Officer, itself a product of a merger in 1999 with Seagull  
Energy Corporation where he was Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and  
President. He joined Seagull from Duke Energy where he led its Energy  
Services Division as President. Prior to that, he was Executive Vice  
President of Pan Energy when the company merged with Duke Power to  
create Duke Energy. His energy experience includes positions in  
engineering, finance and marketing with NGC Corp., Burlington  
Resources and Amoco Oil Co.

Mr. Hackett is Chairman of America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) and  
is on the Board of several industry associations including the  
American Petroleum Institute and the National Petroleum Council. He is  
a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He is a director of  
Fluor Corporation and Halliburton and serves as Chairman of the Board  
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. He is the former Chairman and  
now member of Houston Grand Opera’s Board and serves as Vice Chairman  
of the Baylor College of Medicine, and on the Boards of the Welch  
Foundation for Chemistry, the Business Roundtable, and the Trilateral  
Commission.  He is also a Board Member and adjunct professor at Rice  

Mr. Hackett holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of  
Illinois and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard  
University.  He and his wife Maureen have four children.

Contact Name:  Lisa Matthews  lisa_matthews at harvard.edu


Relics: Travels in Nature's Time Machine
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Harvard Museum of Natural History, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge

A lecture and booksigning by Piotr Naskrecki.
In his newest book, Relics, world-renowned zoologist Piotr Naskrecki  
travels the globe to photograph “relics,” creatures or habitats that,  
while acted upon by evolution, remain remarkably similar to their  
earliest manifestations in the fossil record. From horseshoe crabs of  
the Atlantic to orchids of New Guinea, Naskrecki has created a time- 
lapse tour of life that has persisted nearly untouched for hundreds of  
millions of years. Free and open to the public



Smart Grid Webinar Sessions on December 1st
11:00AM EST
12:00PM EST

Attend this complimentary event to learn from leading smart grid  
experts. Speakers will discuss DOE smart grid initiatives and share  
the latest research on how utilities should articulate the value of  
smart grid investments.

US DOE Smart Grid Perspectives & Implementation Experience

The Value of Smarter Energy: Making the Case for Orchestrating the  
Dan T. Ton, Program Manager, Smart Grid Research & Development, U.S.  
Department of Energy
Bridget Meckley, Energy & Utilities Leader, IBM Center for Applied  


"The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Solving the Energy  
Thursday, December 1, 2011
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Northwest Lecture Hall B-103, 52 Oxford Street, Cambridge
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology Lecture:

Speaker:  Steven Chu, US Secretary of Energy

Contact Name:  Michelle Cicerano  mcicerano at mcb.harvard.edu  (617)  
Reinventing the Energy Future

December 01, 2011


MIT, Building E62-262

Andrew Chung, Partner at Khosla Ventures, will discuss how venture  
capitalists and entrepreneurs can address the energy crisis and invest  
in our future by placing big bets and searching for "black swans."  
Such opportunities may carry greater risk and higher failure rates,  
but are more likely to have a revolutionary impact on our world. To  
borrow the words of Robert Kennedy, "Only those who dare fail greatly  
can achieve greatly."

Category:  MIT events/clubs: interest clubs/groups

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Club, Energy & Environment Community

Admission:  Open to the public

For more information:  Contact MIT Energy Club

energy-environment at mit.edu


"Environmental Consequences of International Trade, with Focus on China"
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Harvard, Pierce Hall 100F, 29 Oxford St., Cambridge

XU Ming, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Systems, School of Natural  
Resources and Environment; Assistant Professor of Civil and  
Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
Abstract:  Globalization has been primarily facilitated by  
international trade in the way that countries specialize in producing  
products and services in which they have comparative advantages. One  
of the environmental consequences of international trade is the  
creation of pollution havens in the sense that developing countries  
become more specialized in pollution- and energy-intensive industries.  
This talk will summarize the author’s past research on evaluating  
environmental impacts embodied in international trade, focusing on US- 
China trade and China’s exports.

Contact Name:  Chris Nielsen  nielsen2 at fas.harvard.edu

Howard Gardner: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed
WHEN  Thu., Dec. 1, 2011, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
WHERE  Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way, Cambridge, MA 02138
TYPE OF EVENT  Discussion, Forum, Lecture, Question & Answer Session
BUILDING/ROOM  Harvard Graduate School of Education, Askwith Hall
CONTACT NAME  Amber DiNatale
CONTACT EMAIL  askwith_forums at gse.harvard.edu
CONTACT PHONE  617-384-9968
SPONSORING ORGANIZATION/DEPARTMENT  Harvard Graduate School of Education
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Education, Lecture, Special Events
NOTE  Speaker: Howard Gardner, Hobbs Professor of Cognition and  
Education, HGSE
Introduction: Kathleen McCartney, Dean and Gerald S. Lesser Professor  
in Early Childhood Development, HGSE
Howard Gardner will discuss the challenges faced by traditional  
education in light of two forces: the post-modern critique from the  
humanities and the disruptive potentials of the new digital media. As  
addressed in his most recent book, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness  
Reframed: Educating for the Virtues of the Twenty-First Century,  
Gardner will describe how the core ideas of truth, beauty, and  
goodness can survive and even be strengthened in education across the  
life span. Expanding on the argument in his book, he'll describe  
promising approaches for educators.
Professor Gardner will sign his new book prior to the forum. Copies  
will be available for purchase.

"Products, Plastics, Putrefaction and Power: Rethinking how we Manage  
Materials to Achieve Just Sustainability"
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Harvard, Peabody Museum Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street,  
Samantha MacBride, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University.

This is part of the series, “Trash Talk: the Anthropology of Waste.”   
ADMISSION IS FREE and the Peabody's Geological Lecture Hall is located  
at 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge, a 5 minute walk from the Red Line's  
Harvard Square station.


"When the Experts are Uncertain: Scientific Knowledge and the Ethics  
of Democratic Judgment"
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Harvard, Austin Hall, 100 North, Harvard Law School, 1515  
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

Melissa Lane, Professor of Politics, Princeton University
Lectures are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be  
Please visit www.ethics.harvard.edu for a full listing of this year’s  

Abstract: This paper explores the problem of the relation of  
democratic judgment to expert knowledge, focusing in particular on the  
case of scientific knowledge and the implications of its forms of  
uncertainty. It begins by broadly characterizing the problem of  
knowledge in political theory and in democratic theory in particular,  
drawing on the history of political thought – and in particular on  
democratic Athens and its philosophical critics – to do so. The model  
of popular judgment – and its relation to organized domains of expert  
knowledge – is elicited from this history as a promising lens for  
contemporary democratic theory. The paper then turns to the evaluation  
of the relation of democratic judgment to expert knowledge in a  
variety of modern disciplines, surveying certain positions in social  
epistemology and in social psychology. It identifies an excessive  
limitation to the question of identifying experts to whom to defer in  
the former literature, and an excessive tendency to manipulation in  
the question of how to correct for known biased heuristics in judgment  
in the latter (also indeed borrowed by the former). Both of these  
weaknesses will be exacerbated in the case of significant scientific  
uncertainty of certain kinds, as attends our current knowledge of the  
likely course of climatic change. As an alternative, the paper  
concludes by proposing a focus on enabling the public to engage in  
judging the broad outline of scientific claims, including an  
assessment of where uncertainties do and do not affect it and of what  
kinds. While this is a more demanding standard than deference and  
identification alone, it may also prove more robust.

Contact Name:  Abigail Bergman Gorlach  abigail at ethics.harvard.edu   
NE Games SIG Event: Building the Talent Pipeline: A Collaboration of  
the Game Industry and Academia
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Microsoft NERD Center One Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02139
Speaker: Tim Loew of Becker College, Phillip Tan of the MIT Gambit  
Game Lab, Monty Sharma of MassDigi, Terrence Masson of Northeastern  
University, Mark Claypool of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Mary  
Jane Begin of the Rhode Island School of Design.

Talent is the essential ingredient to success in game development. The  
MIT Enterprise Forum's New England Games SIG provides a look at the  
state of collaboration between industry and academia with this panel  
Register at http://videogametalent.eventbrite.com/

How can we build a stronger pipeline of talent and what more can be  
done to improve the number and quality of graduates from schools in  
the region? This panel of game industry veterans and academic leaders  
will discuss this topic, as well as provide an overview of the  
Massachusetts Digital Game Institute???s (MassDigi) outreach from K-12  
to colleges/ universities across the Commonwealth and MassDigi???s  
industry focused programs. In addition, colleges from around the  
region will provide an overview of their video game programs.

6:00pm-7:00pm: Networking & Light Appetizers, Refreshments
7:00pm-8:15pm: Panel
8:15pm-9:00pm: Post-Panel Networking

Come early or stay late to enjoy light appetizers/ drinks and to  
network with your peers.

Moderated by Robert Ferrari of Bare Tree Media;

Web site: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/events/ne-games-sig-event-building-the-talent-pipeline-a-collaboration-of-the-game-industry-and-academia/

Open to: the general public

Cost: No charge, but pre-registration required

Tickets: http://videogametalent.eventbrite.com/

Sponsor(s): MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge

For more information, contact:
Amy Goggins
entforumcambridge at mit.edu


"Ideal Cities in the Tropics: Lucio Costa's 1957 Brasilia Pilot Plan"

Thursday, December 01, 2011


MIT, Building 7-431

Architecture Lecture Series

Speaker:  Fares el-Dahdah

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Department of Architecture

For more information, contact:


The EU Energy Policy in the 21st Century
WHEN  Thu., Dec. 1, 2011, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
WHERE  RCC conference room, 26 Trowbridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
GAZETTE CLASSIFICATION  Environmental Sciences, Lecture, Social Sciences
ORGANIZATION/SPONSOR  Real Colegio Complutense
SPEAKER(S)  Rafael Caballero Sánchez
COST  Free and open to the public
CONTACT INFO  rcc_info at harvard.edu
NOTE  In English
LINK  http://www.realcolegiocomplutense.harvard.edu

Social Good 2.0: Breakfast with Cause-Related Tech Startups
Friday, December 2, 2011
8:30 AM
Space with a Soul, 281 Summer Street, Boston, MA (map)

The past few years have seen a surge of activity around technology and  
the nonprofit world. Boston is a hotbed of innovative ideas that might  
really be interesting to cause-related organizations - but it seems  
like new ones emerge daily. Who has time to keep track - let alone  
hear what they might be able to offer you? Join us for a morning  
breakfast highlighting the latest additions to the cause-related  
technology startup scene in Boston.
Free registration: http://socialgood-2-dot-oh.eventbrite.com/


Supply and Demand at a Municipal Utility: How Local Solar Generation  
Can Help Utilities Meet Peak Loads

December 02, 2011


MIT, Building 1-246

Brian Crounse received his M.S. in Environmental Engineering from MIT  
in 2000. He serves on the Concord Municipal Light Board.

In the Northeast U.S., peak electrical loads typically occur on hot  
summer days. For a municipal utility, meeting these peak loads is  
expensive, and requires infrastructure that is underutilized most of  
the time. Of the strategies that a municipal utility can employ to  
address peak loads, local solar generation offers an intriguing mix of  
load matching, reduced transmission requirements, low emissions, and,  
for the first time, competitive economics. This talk will explore the  
rationale and implications behind the Concord (MA) Municipal Light  
Board's solar energy strategy.

Category:  lectures/conferences

Sponsored by:  MIT Energy Club

Admission: Open to the public

For more information:  Contact MIT Energy Club

energyclub at mit.edu


Rambax Senegalese Drum Ensemble. Lamine Toure and Patricia Tang, co- 
Friday, December 02, 2011
MIT, Lobdell, MIT Stratton Student Center

Open to: the general public

Cost: FREE

Tickets: NOT TIX REQ.

Sponsor(s): Music and Theater Arts

For more information, contact:
Clarise Snyder
mta-request at mit.edu


"Investigating the Gulf Oil Spill: Challenges and Opportunities"
Monday, December 5, 2011
12:00pm - 1:30pm
Harvard, Bell Hall, 5th Floor, Belfer Building, HKS, 79 JFK Street,  

Energy Technology Innovation Policy/ Consortium for Energy Policy  
Energy Policy Seminar Series:

Speaker:  Richard Lazarus, Harvard Law School

Lunch will be provided.

Contact Name:  Louisa Lund, louisa_lund at hks.harvard.edu


"Minds for Sale"
Monday, December 5, 2011
12:15pm - 2:00pm
Harvard, 124 Mt. Auburn St, Suite 100, Room 106
Spekaer:  Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law & HKS

Please RSVP to sts at hks.harvard.edu by the Thursday before.



The Fate of Civic Education in a Connected World:  A "Fred Friendly"  
Monday, December 5, 6:00 pm
Harvard, Austin East Classroom, Austin Hall, Harvard Law School, 1515  
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Free and Open to the Public; RSVP required for those attending in  
person at http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/events/2011/12/civiceducation#RSVP

Featuring Professor Charles Nesson as Provocateur and Ellen Condliffe  
Lagemann (Bard College), Peter Levine (Tufts University), Harry Lewis  
(Harvard SEAS), Elizabeth Lynn (Project on Civic Reflection) and Juan  
Carlos de Martin (Berkman Center) as participants.

Civic education is the cultivation of knowledge and traits that  
sustain democratic self-governance. The broad agreement that civic  
education is important disintegrates under close scrutiny. As the  
social networks of individuals become less based on geography and more  
based on friendships and common interests, consensus on shared civic  
values seems harder to achieve. American education is under stress at  
every level, and schools and colleges must re-imagine their commitment  
to civic education. This seminar will probe tensions that make civic  
education difficult, for example:

What's the problem? Doesn't everyone agree that civic education is  
important? Is civic education being squeezed out in schools, either  
because of the demands of subject testing or the desire to avoid  
political controversy?
Does the connectedness of social media support or impair the sorts of  
connections that lead to active citizenship?
Every tertiary institution wants to be a "global university." What, if  
any, are the civic responsibilities of a global institution? What  
civic values are transnational? Should American students learn the  
Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
What about civic education outside of school--for adults, prisoners,  
and the home-schooled, for example?
Then there was model UN; now there are online simulations. Do they  
achieve the same ends?
Does civic education include instruction in civic activism, using  
social media for example?
With connectedness come instantaneity and constant interruptions. Is  
it even possible to maintain anyone's attention on understanding  
anything as subtle as the complexities of representative government?
This lively, "Fred Friendly" style seminar is timed to coincide with  
publication of two edited volumes:  Teaching America: The Case for  
Civic Education (David Feith, ed.; Rowman & Littlefield), and What is  
College For?: The Public Purpose of Higher Education (Ellen Condliffe  
Lagemann and Harry Lewis, eds.)


Bioclimatic Devices and Adaptations at Alijares Palace (Alhambra, 14th  
century) and other Nasrid Buildings

Monday, December 05, 2011


MIT, Building 7-431


Speaker: Luis Jose Garcia Pulido, Post-Doctoral Fellow, AKPIA at MIT

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/akpia/www/lecturescurrent.htm

Open to: the general public
Cost: FREE
Sponsor(s): Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture
For more information, contact:
Jose Luis Arguello
akpiarch at mit.edu


Elijah Wald Presents the History & Early Blues' Traditions

Monday, December 05, 2011


MIT, Building 4-231

Speaker: Elijah Wald

Bluesologist and author Elijah Wald presents the history and early  
traditions of the blues.

Open to: the general public

Cost: free

Sponsor(s): Literature Section




An Update on Deep Energy Retrofits for Buildings - the Intersection of  
Human-Based and Energy Efficient Design
Thursday, December 08 2011
7:00pm reception, program begins at 7:30 pm
1st Parish Unitarian Church, 3 Church Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge

Speakers:  Henry MacLean (Timeless Architecture) & Friends

Contact : http://www.basea.org/
The BASEA forums are held September through May, the second Thursday  
of each month, except as noted. The forums are free and open to the  


Renewable Energy-Related Transmission for New Englanders:  By Land and  
By Sea
Friday, December 9, 2011
9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Foley Hoag LLP, 155 Seaport Boulevard, 13th Floor, Boston

New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable

We welcome two new speakers to our December 9 Roundtable: Associate  
Deputy Minister for Energy, Mario Gosselin, Québec Ministry of Natural  
Resources and Wildlife, and Deepwater Wind CEO, William Moore.

Our 126th New England Electric Restructuring Roundtable focuses on  
renewable energy-related transmission for New Englanders - both by  
land and by sea. Utility-scale wind, hydro, and even solar must be  
sited in proximity to the resource, which is often far from population  
centers, thus necessitating the building of new transmission lines.  
The siting, cost, and cost allocation related to these lines is often  
no less (and sometimes more) controversial than the renewable energy  
resources they are built to transmit.  And the promise of off-shore  
wind development on the East Coast presents a bevy of additional new  
technical and other challenges. At this Roundtable, we will explore  
numerous, very current, renewable energy-related transmission studies  
and proposed projects.

Our first panel focuses primarily on land-based renewable energy- 
related transmission. Starting off the panel is Associate Deputy  
Minister for Energy, Mario Gosselin, from Québec's Ministry of Natural  
Resources and Wildlife, who will discuss Québec's current and planned  
renewable energy resources that could be exported to the Northeast.   
David Whiteley , Executive Director for the Eastern Interconnection  
Planning Collaborative (EIPC) then discusses the collaborative  
scenario planning analysis currently underway on transmission and  
renewables for the entire Eastern Interconnect (comprising 24 RTOs and  
over 40 states). Next, First Wind Executive VP/CDO, Kurt Adams,  
provides a wind developer's perspective on transmission, including  
potential transmission projects in Maine. David H. Boguslawski, VP for  
Transmission Strategy/Operations atNortheast Utilities rounds out the  
panel with a presentation on a transmission owner's perspective on  
connecting New England wind to the grid and NU/NSTAR's proposed  
Northern Pass Transmission Project to bring approximately 1,200 MW of  
mainly hydro power from Québec to New England through New Hampshire.

Our second panel brings together three CEO's to discuss sea-based  
renewable energy-related transmission. Robert Mitchell, CEO ofAtlantic  
Wind Connection kicks off the panel with a discussion of Atlantic  
Wind's proposal to construct a transmission line 20 miles off-shore,  
between New Jersey and Virginia, to facilitate off-shore wind  
development (aka Google Line) Edward Krapels, CEO pf Anbaric  
Transmission, then discusses Anbaric's just- announced (11/14) Bay  
State Offshore Wind Transmission System, to be located 25 miles off- 
shore in Massachusetts, to carry up to 2,000 MW of off-shore wind to  
the NE Grid.  Deepwater Wind CEO William Moore rounds out the panel by  
discussing the Deepwater Wind Energy Center proposal to build 1,000 MW  
of off-shore wind off the Rhode Island coast, with transmission to  
both New England and Long Island.




Free Solar Panels for Houses of Worship

 From a recent Mass Interfaith Power & Light (http://mipandl.org/) email
"We've recently been talking with DCS Energy (http:// 
www.dcsenergy.com/) who has an unbeatable offer: if your site  
qualifies, they design and install the panels at no cost, don't charge  
you for any electricity, and donate the system to your house of  
worship after five years. Your only costs will be for a building  
permit, possibly a structural engineer to verify that your roof can  
support their weight, and any preparatory work such as roof work or  
tree removal. If solar panels are so expensive how can anyone give  
them away for free? First, there is a federal grant program that is  
only available until November that pays for 30% of the cost of the  
system. Then there is an accelerated depreciation option that gives  
certain kinds of investors another tax advantage. Finally, the state  
awards a special allowance called a "Solar Renewal Energy  
Credit" (SRECs) to owners of solar electricity systems which are sold  
at auctions to utilities who buy them to meet their requirements under  
the Massachusetts' renewable portfolio standard. DCS is betting that  
the price of these SRECs will remain high.  Jim Nail, president of MA  
IP&L, has talked to DCS Energy and is currently having them prepare a  
proposal for his church, St. Dunstan's Episcopal in Dover.  Jim says,  
"The references I've talked to have been quite positive about the  
program and the company has been very responsive.  "If you think your  
site might qualify, contact Peter Carli, pete at dcsenergy.com, with the  
address of your house of worship and your contact information. He'll  
take a preliminary look at your site and advise you if it meets their  


Young World Inventors Success!

Young World Inventors (http://yinventors.wordpress.com/) finished  
their Kickstarter campaign (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1036325713/youngworldinventorscom 
) to fund insider web stories of African and American innovators in  
collaboration successfully.

New contributions, however, will be accepted.




Massachusetts Attitudes About Climate Change – An opinion survey of  
Massachusetts residents conducted by MassINC and sponsored by the Barr  
Foundation found that 77% of respondents believe that global warming  
has “probably been happening” and 59% of all respondents see see it as  
being at least partially caused by human pollution.  Only 42% of the  
state’s residents say global warming will have very serious  
consequences for Massachusetts if left unaddressed. The 18 to 29 age  
group is more likely to believe global warming is appearing and caused  
by humans compared to the 60+ age group.  African-American (56%) and  
Latino residents (69%) are more likely than white residents (40%) to  
believe global warming will be a very serious problem if left  
unaddressed.  The MassINC report, titled The 80 Percent Challenge:   
What Massachusetts must do to meet targets and make headway on climate  
change (http://www.massinc.org/Research/The-80-percent- 
challenge.aspx), contains many other findings.


The presentations from the recent Affordable Comfort National Home  
Performance Conference are available online at

Lots of good information from what some call the best energy  
conference in the USA on Deep Energy Retrofits to Community Energy  
Challenges with details on insulation, heat flow, energy metering,  
ducting, hot water, and many, many other topics.  If you are a  
practical energy wonk, this should make your eyes light up.


Free Monthly Energy Analysis

CarbonSalon is a free service that every month can automatically track  
your energy use and compare it to your past energy use (while  
controlling for how cold the weather is). You get a short friendly  
email that lets you know how you’re doing in your work to save energy.



Boston Food System

"The Boston Food System [listserv] provides a forum to post  
announcements of events, employment opportunities, internships,  
programs, lectures, and other activities as well as related articles  
or other publications of a non-commercial nature covering the area's  
food system - food, nutrition, farming, education, etc. - that take  
place or focus on or around Greater Boston (broadly delineated)."

The Boston area is one of the most active nationwide in terms of food  
system activities - projects, services, and events connected to food,  
farming, nutrition - and often connected to education, public health,  
environment, arts, social services and other arenas.   Hundreds of  
organizations and enterprises cover our area, but what is going on  
week-to-week is not always well publicized.

Hence, the new Boston Food System listserv, as the place to let  
everyone know about these activities.  Specifically:
Use of the BFS list will begin soon, once we get a decent base of  
subscribers.  Clarification of what is appropriate to announce and  
other posting guidelines will be provided as well.

It's easy to subscribe right now at https://elist.tufts.edu/wws/subscribe/bfs


Artisan Asylum  http://artisansasylum.com/

Sprout & Co:  Community Driven Investigations  http://thesprouts.org/studios

Greater Boston Solidarity Economy Mapping Project  http://www.transformationcentral.org/solidarity/mapping/mapping.html
a project by Wellesley College students that invites participation,  
contact jmatthaei at wellesley.edu


Bostonsmart.com's Guide to Boston  http://www.bostonsmarts.com/BostonGuide/


Links to events at 60 colleges and universities at Hubevents   http://hubevents.blogspot.com

Thanks to

Fred Hapgood's Selected Lectures on Science and Engineering in the  
Boston Area  http://www.BostonScienceLectures.com

Boston Area Computer User Groups  http://www.bugc.org/










More information about the Act-MA mailing list