[act-ma] Suicide Prevention Training for Community Leaders

Robbie Samuels send2robbie at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 06:00:02 PST 2012

Hi fellow activists and organizers,

I'm sharing my most recent blog post from www.robbiesamuels.com - please
comment and share...

Community leaders have the power to convene people. This is a wonderful
skill that comes with many responsibilities: logistics, marketing,
catering, volunteer coordination, etc.  I believe that our responsibilities
as community leaders goes beyond these basic steps and includes creating a
welcoming and safe space for our community.

When we help co-create those kinds of spaces, we help guard against
isolation, depression and burn out that many experience when they operate
for too long without a supportive community. Unfortunately, many community
leaders themselves feel this isolation because they lack a strong peer
network and are carrying on their shoulders all the pain and suffering
brought to their attention by their community members.

To support my fellow community leaders, I'm offering a training on how to
deal with one of the hardest topics faced by any community. For the purpose
of these trainings, I've defined "community leader" as anyone who regularly
convenes groups of people. If that's you, I hope you'll join me. If not,
please share this with a community leader in your life.

*RSVP at **www.suicidepreventionfortrainers.eventbrite.com*<http://www.suicidepreventionfortrainers.eventbrite.com/>

Thank you for helping make our collective communities healthier and
stronger. Please share the following event description.


*Suicide Prevention Training for Community Leaders*
Oftentimes, community leaders* are sought out for support in times of
crisis and are the first to become aware that someone is considering
killing themselves. Attend this training to gain the skills to handle the
"suicide question" and become knowledgeable about local resources for you
and your community.

*RSVP at **www.suicidepreventionforleaders.eventbrite.com*<http://www.suicidepreventionforleaders.eventbrite.com/>
*.** **Fee $10.*
*Due to limited seating, this 2-hour training is being offered on Monday,
March 19 and Tuesday, May 8 - select your preferred date when registering.*

QPR - Question, Persuade, Refer is modeled after the success of the CPR
medical intervention and is based on the following concepts:
Those who most need help in a suicidal crisis are the least likely to ask
for it. Prior to making a suicide attempt, a person typically sends warning
signs.Asking "Are you thinking about killing yourself?" is a key step to
preventing suicide.  This training will address:
The anxiety we feel when we are talking to someone who is suicidal.How to
specifically ask "the question".How to persuade someone to seek help.How to
make sure they get the referral they need. *For the purpose of this
training, a community leader is anyone who regularly convenes groups of

*About the Trainer:*
*Robbie Samuels* has extensive experience as a community organizer,
fundraiser and trainer. In 2011, his birthday, September 16, was
declared "Robbie
Samuels Day"<http://www.robbiesamuels.com/2011/09/robbie-samuels-day-september-16-2011-in.html>by
the Boston City Council. He is the Senior Manager of Events and Donor
Engagement at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD<http://www.glad.org/>).
He is a Co-Founder & Co-Organizer of Socializing for Justice
a grassroots, volunteer-run member-supported group, to build a
cross-cultural, cross-issue progressive community, network and movement in
Boston based on the philosophy of abundance. Robbie identifies as a white,
queer, feminist, trans man and lives in Jamaica Plain. He likes burritos.

Learn more about Robbie and his other trainings "Art of the Schmooze" and
"Fundraising: Getting Past the Fear of Asking" at www.robbiesamuels.com and
view his testimonials <http://www.robbiesamuels.com/p/testimonials.html>.


  @robbiesamuels <http://www.twitter.com/robbiesamuels> |
Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/robbiesamuels> |
LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/robbiesamuels> |
tungle.me<http://tungle.me/robbiesamuels> [check
my availability]

           Social Networking & Fundraising Tips at

"Like"<http://facebook.com/ArtoftheSchmooze>Art of the Schmooze

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