[act-ma] Sunday, April 1, from 11 - 3 in Cambridge: Bike Drive for Bikes Not Bombs

Kerry Thompson thompson0692 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 21 05:35:49 PDT 2012

Reposting for a friend: 
- Kerry Thompson, Lancaster, MA 

Cambridge Bike Collection for Bikes Not Bombs: 
Sunday, 4/1, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Andrew Peabody School, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA. 

Bikes Not Bombs uses the bicycle as a vehicle for social change. They reclaim thousands of bicycles each year. They create local and global programs that provide skill development, jobs, and sustainable transportation. Their programs mobilize youth and adults to be leaders in community transformation. Find out more about this and other bike drives, as well as other events they are planning at http://bikesnotbombs.org. 
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