[act-ma] Don't miss Oumeima Khalil, singing with Marcel Khalife and the Al Mayadine Ensemble

Salma salmamilia at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 19:11:02 PDT 2012

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    [image: top banner]
  *Beyond Marcel: Oumeima El Khalil*
*[image: Oumeima El Khalil]*
Don't miss your chance to see *Marcel
* and the *Al Mayadine
* The ensemble includes chanteuse *Oumeima El
,* pianist *Rami
* and *Bachar Khalife<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKiLyVUCJcF9z5x5QCP0adO5W4Ex0SqLJUTd5OYrRpAca966rsknFJA0bgfCSLbDKdF5jhEgYaGtbek0UFgWKTGY_dzcYKBUcszqV2MmFDw6Xg==>
* on percussion. All are doing an homage to Marcel Khalife's visionary
collaborator, the late Palestinian poet *Mahmoud Darwish.

*Venue:* Berklee Performance Center
*Date: *  Saturday, May 5, 2010, 8 pm
*Tickets:* $35 - $65  $10 discount off all tickets with valid student ID
*Buy tickets

*Fall of the Moon: An Homage to the Poet Mahmoud Darwish
& a Salute to the Arab Spring *

Khalifé's newest suite of compositions, *Fall of the Moon,* is an
introspective and highly emotional musical interpretation of one of
Darwish's most powerful collections of prose poems, the posthumously
published *In the Presence of
*  *
Despite being written urgently in the throes of death, *In the Presence of
Absence* is a work erotically charged with an indulgence for life,
enthralled with communing with the fleeting presence of the other, and
unrelenting in the violence of its love and disdain for one's own absence.

The collection is the work of a poet who was writing his own eulogy, a man
who knew that death was near. The poems embody an eerie finality,
meditating on loss and exile, yet are also exuberant with an emergent hope
that wants to transcend the fading self into another voice - the story of
the long struggle and suffering of the valiant people both Marcel Khalifé
and Mahmoud Darwish have chosen to represent.

Listen to an excerpt<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKgGl8lbTWVqv51-z_l6UC-qOGWZLOgKCzOtUqiqu72NOg0-RvWjFTgEiK2PsmgCXslEH3dHK02Odwi1VVsc0VUlmO13PySItP4m0apnO8zXDvEoMIaelHip_52-BQ17tBU8lG66ymunjw==>of
*Fall of the Moon*
Vocals by Oumeima El Khalil
[image: Fall of the Moon album cover]
Ticket prices:
$65 | $55 | $45 | $35 | $10 discount off all tickets with valid student ID*
Purchase tickets
*[image: fb logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKiDM1gr2zx7B7V-c-urD8ckGY1ko4iSFy9rtLyaA3CpEMulClbalDDFhcZ2aT--fJDC4MUs0ZA4yL-N9PJeAH46Gu8PvD8sT9eFCeLzkxEKVg==>
    *Co-presented by:**
[image: BPFF logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKjgB2dGyr2am7lBp4YLoWoKsknn3vRgOlxcI-JoHzLBood2uTB1oTIak7aI0O5xfC9XtznFzhWZduVX7Fb6oyHRLTpuwtDjUPeCSDRn6zWB90mQlaaRQzUA>
PCRF logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKjy5Kr9TzfXDnSp7oV2t7wrtcaQbkqI-u-B_V3AM0jW4Aq3wXmQQn2YbmVYmxLGRbZ7eOuVsUHHM_ah5h9yxMWXEw5nDV9FyioVJyHIX-701F2Ar3ojxYZH>
CAC logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKhtqNaIoXHYh3I8eIZdLrxIVViR40zVCTQOTfFaWkVaNg9DbNKvX0uJro_d74kYdMZj_dlJVlM6iZxSRoLrzjPdDtdr0VdIp0_Ltvwd6THbGs0FeLjFfLY9G-ZmzPGWs4o=>

**With support from:**

[image: Berklee logo png
LENOX logo]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0013mQRE74KSKiS_-3T0lsnYF5g5dZTe1on90kA3D0SEuzPi0HJ73P1VrvRsOE83zLOhxMuC_VKb930wZ_2VWExbu-HWZFD9VjB7ydJPYpCbBIJoscvcN09Qg==>
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info at bostonpalestinefilmfest.org |
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  Boston Palestine Film Festival | 955 Massachusetts Ave. #333 | Cambridge|
MA | 02139

Salma Abu Ayyash
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