[act-ma] July 18 at Lucy Parsons - AMERICAN PSYCHE: The Cinematic & The Civilized

Mariya Nikiforova mariya at radonlake.com
Sun Jul 15 15:48:43 PDT 2012

Cinematic Disobedience and Brittany Gravely presents:

AMERICAN PSYCHE: The Cinematic & The Civilized

Lucy Parsons Center
358A Centre Street

Wednesday, July 18th. 7pm.

AMERICAN PSYCHE: The Cinematic & The Civilized A Powerpoint
presentation which attempts to invoke American Psycho’s immortal
Patrick Bateman and study his relationship to the state of souls in a
soulless environment. As the möbius strip of media and reality binds
us to delusion and denial, it can also carry cosmic messages. Video
clips, primitive sketches, live narration, charts and graphs help
illustrate the nature of Modern Civilization and how the fate of
Christian Bale may be tied to our own. This occasionally- awkward,
whirlwind lecture includes some violence and nudity, very little
intellectual terminology, time for Q&A and perhaps meditation.

Artistically Brittany Gravely has focused primarily on 16mm film for
the past several years, but also creates works in sound, video,
installation, and many media of the second dimension. She graduated in
2001 with an MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
Her films, for which she is the writer, director, editor and sound
designer include 2001’s Introduction To Living In A Closed System (New
York Film Festival, Images Festival, MFA Boston, videoex, New York
Underground…) and Blood of the Earthworm of 2006 (T.I.E. Cinema, Black
Maria, New York Underground, Antimatter, Chicago Underground…). In
2008, she and Jennifer Pipp formed Architecture of the Sun to
accompany live music while manipulating dual 16mm projections and have
performed in clubs and galleries in Brooklyn, Boston and Providence.
Her latest experiment is a Powerpoint presentation on American Psycho.
Recently certified in palmistry, she is also currently studying
herbalism and devising therapeutic film projects. She lives in Boston
and works at the Harvard Film Archives.

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