[act-ma] Wed 8/8 "Who Owns Science?" with Richard Levins on FSU-Radio (obr.fm)

David O. Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Sun Aug 5 17:22:02 PDT 2012

Wed 8/8/12 7:00 pm on OB RADIO (http://obr.fm <http://obr.fm/> ) 

w/ rebroadcasts the following Monday 10:00 am and Wednesday 7:00 am

Who Owns Science? (And how does this affect us?)

with Richard Levins, John Rock Professor of Population Sciences, Harvard
School of Public Health.


Set your Internet Browser to OBR.FM.


Knowledge in our society is always "owned" by somebody.  The  "ownership" of
science determines who's allowed to participate, who can determine what
research is done, who publishes the results, who has access to the results,
even who is able to understand them.  What are some of the effects of the
"ownership" of science in our society?  Topics of discussion may include:
genetically modified organisms, the commodification of science, why science
isn't always right, and given "who owns science", is science EVER right?
The goal is not to disparage science - but understanding the social and
economic structures under which science takes place is essential to
understanding what science does and doesn't tell us.


Richard Levins has been a tropical farmer, an organizer of Puerto Rican
coffee workers, an anti-war organizer, a writer for Monthly Review
<http://monthlyreview.org/author/richardlevins> . and a groundbreaking
mathematical ecologist <http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/faculty/richard-levins/>
.  His professional work has involved modeling of the dialectic manner in
which organisms evolve together with their "environment", but he's also
applied himself to community development and public health, for example as
part of the Board of Directors of OXFAM-America and chair of their
subcommittee on Latin America and the Caribbean.  As part of the New World
Agriculture and Ecology Group, he helped to develop modern agroecology,
concentrating on the whole-system approaches to gentle pest management. 


You can watch a recent talk Richard Levins gave in Cambridge on YouTube at:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39KhInPV5xo (Part 1), and

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8Kp2r0Rju8 (Part 2).


Who Owns Science? (And how does this affect us?)
Wednesday, 8/8/12  7:00 pm USA Eastern Time
Occupy Boston Radio - OBR.FM
with rebroadcasts the following Monday 10:00 am
and Wednesday 7:00 am


Information about The FSU Program and Occupy Boston Radio...


Occupy Boston Radio is currently available by internet only.  You can reach
us at http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ or http://obr.fm <http://obr.fm/> ,
or by going to http://occupyboston.org <http://occupyboston.org/>  and
choosing "Radio" from the red menu bar at the top of the page.  Once on the
page, click the "play" arrow on the radio player control app to begin
listening.   Listener participation is possible via call-in or IRC chat -
see phone number and link on the radio page.


Check out our Blog at  <http://fsuradio.wordpress.com>


FSU-RADIO is an educational series by Occupy Boston's Free School
University. Our goal is to form an autonomous zone and share skills needed
to maintain that, to entertain educate and enliven Occupiers and the general
public. Our purpose is to provide support and space for skill sharing and
sharing basic info regarding Occupy Boston and to encourage
self-organization, teaching, and learning opportunities.


Our Wednesday program consists of TALK radio featuring educational content
such as lectures, panel discussions and interviews.


Host: David Knuttunen (guest hosts from time to time)

Time: WED 7-8pm


To propose a guest for the program, email fsu at lists.occupyboston.org, or
call David Knuttunen 617-558-5853.



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