[act-ma] Sikh Solidarity: Vigil about Wisconsin on August 23, 2012 at Trinity Church

Aria Littlhous aria at littlhous.net
Fri Aug 17 12:36:19 PDT 2012

Flyer attached and the text of the announcement:

*A Service Rooted in the Sikh Tradition*
A Demonstration of Solidarity and Support

Offered by the Gurdwara Sahib in Milford, Guru Ram Das Ashram and
Gurdwara in Millis, Gurudwara Guru Nanak Darbar in Medford, and the Sikh
Sangat Society of Boston in Everett

Hosted by the Islamic Council of New England, the Jewish Community
Council of Greater Boston and the Massachusetts Council of Churches

*Thursday August 23, 6:00 pm*
*Trinity Church, 206 Clarendon St Boston*
Guru Ka Langar* meal to follow

*The langar, an integral part of Sikh religious practice, demonstrates a
commitment to sharing and equality, and is much more than just a meal.
join us in the Undercroft beneath the Sanctuary to continue our time
as all are fed a traditional vegetarian Indian meal by the local Sikh
In solidarity and support, join us to pray for those killed at Sikh temple
in Oak Creek, Wisconsin and peace among all people. Musicians from the four
Sikh Gurdwaras in Massachusetts will share shabads  (songs) from the Gurmat
Sangeet (Sikh Sacred Music) Tradition. All are welcome to listen and
learn about this religious community. Christian, Jewish and Muslim Leaders
will speak in support of religious liberty for all. All are invited to stay
for the Guru Ka Langar (meal) to follow.

In solidarity with the Sikh community, you are invited to cover your head
when entering the Sanctuary as you feel comfortable. If you would like to
participate, scarves will be provided at the entrance to the Sanctuary. In
several Eastern traditions, including Sikhism, it is customary to cover
one’s head while entering a holy space as a mark of respect.


"The woods are lovely, dark and deep"

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